Reviews and stories about hotels in Bilhorod Dnistrovskyi

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Bilhorod Dnistrovskyi  • 
Bilhorod Dnistrovskyi
Bilhorod Dnistrovskyi
Bilhorod Dnistrovskyi
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Tourist stories about Bilhorod Dnistrovskyi add a story
Ancient Thira and Akkerman fortress
"Untwisting the twisted branches Of noisy youth of ages, See the place of each century On the trunk of human history. Cutting into the future Remember, without destroying the ancestral paths, Knowing the past space, Let's know ourselves in time» The northern coast of the Black Sea… endless step...
 •  4 years ago
Belgorod-Dnestrovsky. Wine Culture Center SHABO
The wind carries the salt of the firth, Excavations of Thera behind the wall, And the fortress of Ackermann breathes With its ancient antiquity. Two and a half thousand years have passed since the time when Greek ships from the ancient city of Miletus sailed to the lower reaches of the Tiras Riv...
 •  4 years ago
Everything is very bad.
1. The road is just a nightmare. Deadly killed. 2. Room for C grade, but the beds are dead, so we slept on the floor. 3. The restaurant is not for the faint of heart - you can only eat if you are very hungry.
 •  7 years ago
Odessa - Gribovka (sea) - Shabo (sea of ​ ​ u200bu200bwine) - Belgorod-Dnestrovsky As it is sung in the songs: "I so want the summer to never end. So that it rushes after me.
 •  8 years ago
Filth and nightmare
A cobweb with dead flies and mosquitoes is braided all over the balcony. Even after the notice, no one cleans up. It is impossible to wash yourself standing over a terrible hole and under a boiler hanging on your head.
 •  10 years ago
Who where, and we - in the fortress.
The idea to visit the largest fortress in Ukraine arose a long time ago, but it was finally realized on the May holidays. This is the Ackerman Fortress in Belgorod-Dniester.
 •  12 years ago
The charms of the health complex "Rus"
The health complex "Rus" can be recommended first of all to those who calmly react to the disgusting smell that does not disappear from clothes, things and hair for a long time upon arrival home.
 •  15 years ago
excursion to the source of Ioan Sochavsky
We arranged an exciting and informative excursion for ourselves to the source of John Sochavsky in Belgorod-Dnestrovsky. We took some water, went down to the chapel, where we prayed, bought an icon, ordered a prayer service for health.
 •  15 years ago
Belgorod-Dnestrovsky - a trip to the Castle near the estuary
Hotel of the old soviet type. Furniture, old plumbing, musty smell in the corridors, etc. - everything is very reminiscent of dilapidated Khrushchev or Stalin. Water according to the schedule 4 hours a day (2 hours in the morning and evening) In fact, we barely washed ourselves - except that they ga...
 •  16 years ago
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