
Written: 4 july 2024
Travel time: 26 june — 3 july 2024
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 1.0
Service: 3.0
Cleanliness: 1.0
Food: 1.0
Amenities: 3.0
Never go to this hotel. It’s better to overpay, but don’t see each other, the laudatory reviews about this hotel are not true
1. Food - children have nothing to eat except French fries. Of the 6 of us, two were poisoned. What you didn’t eat for breakfast will be provided for lunch, and the same goes for lunch. The burger patties are fried on a grill outside, then they lie in the sun and then they are cooked for dinner in sauce.
2. Animation - they can exercise once for 10 minutes and the time will not be announced in advance, just when the staff decides it’s time. The children's room was open only once in 8 days. In the evening there was sometimes a show, but there was also no schedule for whether something would be or not. You need to be on duty near the theater so as not to miss 30 minutes of entertainment. But every evening they offer to go to a disco in the side. Where are the crazy prices on drinks?

The rooms are dirty everywhere, the towels are dirty, stained, had holes and it’s not clear whether they were taken from another room and put on you, or they simply weren’t washed. The bed is not changed. Cleaning was done 3 times in 8 days. They cleaned it once and left the room open.
4. The beach is clean, the sea is gorgeous, the entrance to the sea is pebbly - this is the only plus.
The sunbeds are broken, there are not enough sunbeds for all.
Beach towels are not provided, they cost 3 dollars for 7 days, then the towel must be returned.
2 swimming pools, a slide is turned on for 30 minutes a day. Public toilets near the swimming pools are never cleaned, dirt is everywhere.
5. Location - village. There is nowhere to go, just go to Manavgat, the cost is 50 liras.
6. Bar only next to the restaurant, where only beer, wine (not tasty) and diluted gin.
Half the beer is poured into a 0.3 glass, they said you can’t do more, so if you decide to drink beer on the beach, don’t rush back and forth.
There is a cemetery nearby, there is a supermarket and a market with things, but the prices are much higher than in the city.
The hotel does not reach 4 at all. For now it's a maximum of 2. Not worth the money spent.
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