Terrible hotel

Written: 31 august 2021
Travel time: 9 — 12 august 2021
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
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Greetings to all and I would like to advise you not to stay in this Hotel under any circumstances.
When I chose the Hotel, it naturally played a big role that the Hotel has 4 stars, beautiful pictures, the first line of the sea, well, mostly good reviews, which is surprising.
The hotel is in a terrible state, old, dirty.
The rooms are mostly broken, the mattresses are terrible. . .
The dining room is small, of course you can eat outside there are also tables, but in the 37 degree heat you don’t really want to eat hot.
Bar one and only on the street, ie. first you need to find a table, this is also a problem, then queue for a drink.
How the Hotel got 4 stars is not clear.
There was no response to any of our complaints.
We were in this Hotel for 3 days, then contacted our Tour Operator, paid extra and changed to another Hotel, also 4 stars. Only real stars, not fake ones.
I think no self-respecting Tour Operator should work with this Nehotel in the future.
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