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I paid in full in the Republic of Belarus back in January for my favorite hotel in Kemer from June 5th. What to do?
I paid in full in the Republic of Belarus back in January for my favorite hotel in Kemer from June 5th. What to do?
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19 subscribers  • asked 2020-04-095 years ago
Answers  •  54
аватар Andrey111
Below are many answers to similar topics.
аватар ollennka
The same as everyone else: wait for the official cancellation and reschedule.
аватар Slav_na
Wait and hope... (in the voice of Monte Cristo)
and take care of yourself, and gain health, and be ready either for flight or for transfer
аватар Vika284
roxykiev22 I will repeat for you my answer in the previous question
On April 2, there was an interview on Turkish CNN with the Minister of Culture and Tourism of Turkey and said that the government hopes that the tourist season will open at the end of May on Eid al-Fitr (Uraza Bayram) and then only for local tourism, for foreign tourists at the end of June.
The government hopes, not plans or forecasts.
Start rescheduling your tour now
аватар moy_contakt
Your tour is not yet subject to quarantine dates or other circumstances under which cancellation is possible due to fpz. But realizing that there will definitely not be a tour, you can calmly wait and, as a result, you will have two options (I think everyone has already voiced it). A deposit of funds or a transfer of the tour (but since no one knows the dates of opening the borders, in your case a deposit is preferable and your vacation will take place already in 2021, because they will definitely not open in the summer, but in the fall .... Contact your TA and discuss the options .
аватар klichko
I wonder how long phantom pains will torment optimistic extourists. I think that soon all tour sites will die out, and even dreaming about trips will be harmful. Humble yourself, no one will go anywhere, and this is for years. Everyone will have to radically rebuild. Health and courage to us in a fundamentally different reality
аватар dojw5dp8
I don’t think that for years. Firstly, they give us hope to find a vaccine in the fall. Secondly, some countries only live on tourism or it forms part of the main replenishment of the country’s budget.
аватар moy_contakt
klichko, well, you turned down ... years ... The Spanish flu lasted 2 years and this was during the absence of antibiotics and, in general, any working medicines and treatment regimens. And now we are not in 1918!!! the longest option is a year. But I really hope that this year we will overcome and forget like a bad dream.
аватар klichko
One vaccine will be found, another strain will come. Mutations will be terrible. Virologists call covid a white swan, it was predicted. But the black swan is still ahead. So far, all predictions are coming true. And deflationary collapse. But these are not even flowers, but sprouts. Move out of town, who can. Not only resorts, cities will stagnate. You can forget about crowds of people in any place. The service department rested in Bose. Schengen caput. Borders, if they open, then conditionally. Flying will become a luxury. The era of cheap money is over, the critically inflated bubble has burst.
аватар klichko
The Spanish flu lasted 2 years and this during the absence of antibiotics
They themselves answered. The abundance of antibiotics finished off the immune system, and the viruses grew wiser. The virus and the crisis just coincided. It is not yet known which is worse. I remember that a month ago there was an abundance of sarcasm. So far everything is going according to plan
аватар ollennka
Viruses come and mutate, that's normal. Some people die from concomitant diseases such as pneumonia, asthma or CVD, which is sad, but also normal. It is not normal with what measures the world community decided to fight viruses this year.
аватар moy_contakt
klichko, of course you are still that pessimist ... Let's hope for the best.
аватар klichko
It's not normal how fast this infection is spreading, the analogy with the Spanish flu is quite appropriate. And the traditional flu is local. The virus scares me much less than the economic collapse. Let's look at America. If it gets out, there is hope for the recovery of the world economy in the foreseeable future. But the increase in the incidence there is prohibitive. A friend from Chicago writes about going back to the Stone Age. No one has any hope for the previous earnings and the opening of borders in the usual volumes
аватар klichko
Of course, you are still a pessimist.
You are wrong. I just never have my head in the clouds. But I always find pluses in all minuses. And now I'm digging))
аватар camomille
It is not normal with what measures the world community decided to fight viruses this year.
ollennka, what measures should be taken?
аватар Vika284
Influenza is not treated with antibiotics, but already the consequences and complications of the flu, such as pneumonia and sinusitis. But still, humanity survived without modern antiviral agents and immunomodulators, and yes, the consequences of the flu were treated without modern antibiotics.
Traditional influenza cannot be local if seasonal influenza causes worldwide deaths of up to 650,000 per year. And this is every year. It is strange that these figures did not frighten anyone before.
Now they will find different vaccines for the current coronavirus or coronaviruses in general. Everyone is vaccinated in a row, if you want to go to Europe, get vaccinated with those vaccines that the European Union recommends, in the USA with those vaccines recommended by the CDC. And to Turkey, Egypt, etc. will already be the choice of either the vaccine that the European Union recommends or the US CDC. I think stamps or special marks that you have been vaccinated will be affixed directly to your passport.
Insurers will have mandatory insurance against coronavirus.
Pharmaceutical industry to get srehprofits.
аватар mishatour
It is difficult to talk about prospects... but the fact that the world will become different is 100%. He is already different today... whoever goes out into the street understands what I mean. Today we can only rely on the experience of other countries and compare the results. China is draconian measures, the army forcibly drove people into apartments, welded the doors of entrances and delivered food to apartments. More than 70 days of curfew ... and TODAY the virus has been defeated. Northern Italy (Milano) is one of the richest regions in Europe ... They took everything as a horror story ... went to churches, football matches ... Not realizing that one was sick on average infects 3x, these three 9, 9...27...etc. Everything grows exponentially and at a high speed - A FEATURE OF THIS VIRUS. America, Trump said that the virus will go away by the summer. Today... 1700 corpses a day. Prime Minister of England... we won't do anything. Today, 938 corpses ... a day and Johnson himself is in intensive care. Israel, the very first to close the airspace, despite political condemnation from many countries
аватар mishatour
Since March 15, in Israel, the main part is in self-isolation paid by the state. In recent days, measures have been tightened by the police and the army patrolling the streets. From Sunday it is mandatory to wear masks (fine $ 150). Approximately 8,000 checks are carried out per day. Two weeks ago, every third day the number of patients doubled, today it doubles on the 11th day... This result is encouraging... but it's too early to sum up.
These are facts and let everyone comment on them for himself. Some heads of governments are looking for "enemies of the people" Or maybe by their inaction or waiting .. they themselves become enemies of their people.???
аватар camomille
Michael, what about the situation in Israel with Orthodox Jews? I read about them that the Orthodox do not fundamentally comply with the quarantine conditions and that a large proportion of the sick in Israel are Orthodox. In fact, they became the spreaders of the infection. The situation is similar in New York.
аватар mishatour
Yes, there is a problem with the Orthodox, in general there is a problem with all believers in the world. The accumulation in synagogues, churches, mosques is the epicenter of the infected. Israel has tightened measures in areas where Orthodox live for a week now. Of all patients, they make up 60% /
аватар camomille
Well, Catholics, unlike the Russian Orthodox Church, hold all masses without people. and Muslims, too, mosques for the most part covered. and in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra they write that 30 out of 44 priests fell ill.
аватар dojw5dp8
klichko if we really talk about reality, we will soon have problems with water. There is no winter, there is almost no precipitation, the forests in Chaes are on fire and there is nothing to breathe, and the level of radiation goes off scale, etc. It is better to think about traveling ...
аватар Vika284
"They write to the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra that 30 out of 44 priests fell ill" - where is the statistics of how many people fell ill from visiting Epicenters and huge supermarkets, or the Stolichny market in Kyiv.
аватар camomille
Well, here the situation is somewhat different. the rector of the Lavra urged believers not to comply with quarantine measures, but to go to church and take communion, i.e. lick one spoonful in a crowd. ended up getting sick.
аватар Vika284
"licking one spoon in a crowd" - before that it didn’t bother anyone, during seasonal flu epidemics everything was OK, the fact that many tuberculosis patients didn’t bother either, the threat of infections of the oral cavity and not only the oral cavity did not bother anyone, then that some venereal and dermatological and fungal diseases could be transmitted through this spoon
Now the guard, i.e. influenza epidemic and a patient with tuberculosis or herpes virus, everything is OK, you can use a spoon
аватар ollennka
camomille, well, once it was customary to isolate the sick from the healthy, and not vice versa. And now it turns out that the sick are allowed to go home to be treated, and the healthy are told to isolate themselves. Yes, and horse fines are introduced. Thank God, this shop did not reach the system of total control and chipping of the population.
Those who travel by private transport are checked, but in public, please, drive without restrictions, although you are alone in a private car, and in a public one with other people.
You can go to the shops, but you can’t walk in the park, although the contact is much closer in the store.
Nail salons, where everything is sterile and everyone is wearing masks and gloves, were closed, and churches, where everyone kisses one icon and does not disinfect anything, work quietly and serve services.
I would like more logic in the measures to counter the virus.
аватар camomille
ollennka, yes. there is somehow little logic, what you have, what we have. some ineffective half-measures that kill the economy.
My uncle was fined yesterday - they left Moscow with their whole family for a dacha and have been living there for 3 weeks. he goes to the nearest supermarket for groceries - yesterday he went and got fined.
shops and parks - here, in principle, everything is clear. buying groceries is a vital necessity, taking a walk in the park is not.
the work of churches is generally beyond my understanding, some kind of obscurantism and sabotage, nothing else.
isolation - theoretically it should be so. but practically how to organize it, if the count goes to thousands, it is not clear.
Vika284, The uncertainty factor plays a role here. all the risks you listed have already been well studied and there are mechanisms to deal with them. and what to do with the coronavirus, how to treat it and what consequences it gives - no one knows. perhaps we do not have all the information about the epidemic, since all countries of the world are taking such unprecedented security measures
аватар Olgaolga153
In continuation of the conversation.
The Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia spoke on TV calling on the faithful to pray at home, but, apparently, was not heard. But Easter is coming soon ... (no comment)
аватар camomille
and it is not necessary to call, but to announce that all services will be behind closed doors and that no one should be allowed to go to churches
аватар mishatour
Olya, the features of this virus .... A person can be sick without symptoms .., but be a carrier. Children today are biological weapons, they do not get sick but are carriers. Grandparents in Israel have not seen their grandchildren since March 15. This is the strictest ban. People over 60-65.. are at risk. Therefore, only analysis determines the status of each person. But it is also relevant at the time of taking the analysis, the only way to deal with the corona is self-isolation. Again, that's all for today! Another point .... the speed of distribution. Everyone, even the most advanced countries in the field of medicine, is afraid of this. An influx of seriously ill patients in need of ventilators. If this influx can match the amount that the health care system can handle .. then this is normal. But if the influx increases, as in Italy, and those who are 60+ simply were not connected ... this is a tragedy. Today there is a shortage of these devices in the world, mafia laws work on the market, resellers from Saudi Arabia from a suitcase
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