Посоветуйте, пожалуйста, отель в Турции на середину сентября, 9 ночей. Бюджет - 110000. 2 взрослых + 2 детей (6 лет и 10 лет). Пляж - песок, и территория побольше.
Please advise a hotel in Turkey for mid-September, 9 nights. Budget - 110000. 2 adults + 2 children (6 years old and 10 years old). The beach is sand and the territory is bigger.
Please advise a hotel in Turkey for mid-September, 9 nights. Budget - 110000. 2 adults + 2 children (6 years old and 10 years old). The beach is sand and the territory is bigger.
8 subscribers •
2019-07-176 years ago