Уважаемые отдыхающие, подскажите активной спортивной семье с семилетним ребенком где будет приятнее и интереснее отдохнуть: TUI Magic Life Waterworld (Белек) или Club Hotel Phaselis (Кемер)?
Dear vacationers, tell an active sports family with a seven-year-old child where it would be more pleasant and interesting to relax: TUI Magic Life Waterworld (Belek) or Club Hotel Phaselis (Kemer)?
Dear vacationers, tell an active sports family with a seven-year-old child where it would be more pleasant and interesting to relax: TUI Magic Life Waterworld (Belek) or Club Hotel Phaselis (Kemer)?
4 subscribers •
2018-06-087 years ago