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Tell me a hotel in Kemer with a large green area
I'm going with the kids. average budget
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10 subscribers  • asked 2018-02-287 years ago
Answers  •  58
аватар lazy_person
There are no hotels with large green areas in Kemer itself. Is that "TUI Day & Night Connected Hydros Club hv1". Hotels with territories are located in nearby villages or on the outskirts of Kemer.
In "Hydros" the territory is large, quite green, there is even a citrus plantation, a large beach with a pontoon. Rooms in the cottages located in the garden ... there are indeed rooms in the large building. In the evening children's animation.
аватар Vika284
The largest in terms of territory in the Kemer region and good infrastructure for children-slides animation kids club and green area depending on your budget
Rixos Sungate , Maxx Royal Kemer, Pirate's Beach Club and Marti Mira in Tekirova, Orange County Resort Kemer
аватар agent_borabora
Park areas in the average budget: Champion, Pirates, Boran Mare, Marti Myra.
аватар Veronika7081
If settlement hotels, one can include here hotels with such large territories: Beldibi village - Rixos Sungate - 250,000 sq.m., Nirvana Lagoon - 152,000 sq.m. (very green, although opened in 2014, 3166 trees on site), Akka Antedon - 90000sqm (my personal opinion, medium green).; Goynuk village - Mirada Del Mar - 100,000 sq.m., Mirage Park - 110,000 sq.m. (green: pine trees, pond), Kimeros Park - 97,000 sq.m., Sherwood Club Kemer - 130,000 sq.m. (medium green, opened in 2014);; Camyuva village - Marco Polo Club - 126,000 sq.m. (but very much in need of renovation), Simena Sun Club - 89,000 sq.m.; the village of Tekirova - Euphoria, but there are comments on the service, but not to take away the wonderful combination of a pine forest and a garden) - 120,000 sq.m., Marti Mira - 100,000 sq.m. (directly pine forest, but comments on food and service), Rixos Premium Tekirova - 183,000 sq.m., Amara Dolce Vita - 163,000 sq.m. (but not so premium anymore), Gyural Premium Tekirova - 200,000 sq.m. (medium green, but excellent service).
аватар Veronika7081
I will continue on the village hotels of Kemer: the village of Kirish - Alva Donna Word Palace - 110,000 sq.m. (but I did not say that it is with lush vegetation), Limak Limra - 140,000 sq.m. (medium green), Max Royal Kemer - 160,000 sq.m. (very green, premium with corresponding price policy). As for the city hotels of Kemer - Grand Khabar - 61,000 sq.m. (with a park with swans), TUI Day AND Night Connected Hydros Club - 65,000 sq.m. Of course, and logically, city hotels in Kemer cannot boast of such territories as village hotels.
аватар lazy_person
All these hotels with territories that opponents mention are not located in Kemer itself, but in villages located on the way from Antalya to Kemer ... or beyond Kemer. Travel agencies, as a rule, position all these hotels as Kemer hotels. Therefore, you need to figure out for yourself where this or that hotel is located. In Kemer itself, there is only "Hydros", there is both greenery and territory, cottages in the garden. "Orange County" (someone suggested for consideration), rather, an exotic scenery for "Amsterdam". There are a lot of different people hanging out in it. It is unusual and interesting to stare at the scenery, nothing more.
аватар Alexandr-
Yes, the mention of Orange County also cut me off when I asked the author about a large green territory ... I visited Orange on a visit - there is no territory there, especially green. In the last 2 seasons, the hotel generally passed ...
аватар Alexandr-
For large green areas, see the village of Tekirova. For me, this word is always associated with the Finns))) There are no such hotels in Kemer itself ... Hydros is no exception ... Even the TUI, taking it under its wing, could not rectify the situation. They wanted to turn it into a youth hotel, but in reality it turned out - 70% - grandparents from Europe ...
аватар Alexandr-
__ All the same, they were not born yesterday ... Everyone went to the embankment along the fence of this very "Hydros". If by a large green area we mean dried trees and household blocks, then yes ... Well, a couple of plucked chickens run around ... Do not caress people's brains ...
аватар An_na_na_
yes, in the vicinity of Kemer is also suitable. Thanks to everyone who responded!
аватар lazy_person
Your tone is not clear, Alexander ("Do not caress people's brains ..."). The person asks about the hotel in Kemer, not in Tekirova. I answer him that there are no such hotels in Kemer itself, but you can consider "Hydros" ... the territory, the beach, greenery - all this is in "Hydros". What's the "rinse" here? You walked along the fence, looked from the street, and I rested in Hydros, I liked it.
Mentioning hotels - parks, with large areas, do not forget to say that these are by no means cheap hotels. Not every tourist with an "average budget" will be able to visit there.
аватар Veronika7081
inextenso, read the author's answer above: "Yes, it is also suitable in the vicinity of Kemer." So don't be so skeptical about Tekirov. And life does not end at city hotels in Kemer and at Hydros. :)
аватар lazy_person
Well, one more indignant "reader" ... and everyone is trying to stick in "their five cents". "Read" the question more carefully. In the question "Kemer" and "average budget".
аватар Vika284
I want to support serna7081 she fully described all the hotels according to the requested conditions,
and usually when the question is about Kemer, they advise hotels not only in Kemer itself and the surrounding area, and they can sow in Fethiye and Belek
inextenso the average budget for each case or family is different, there was a question recently so the requested average budget was 2 people per week 3000 euros
I wonder why you don't like Tekirova)))
аватар Vika284
Sorry for the mistakes, the phone is correcting
аватар Veronika7081
inextenso, my five cents are the same as yours. The average budget is also a loose concept. Until you know the exact budget, the period of dep. - all options. Hotels can always be perceived ambiguously. Although personally I have nothing against Hydros as a city hotel in Kemer. And often I myself recommend it for a couples department, if you need a city hotel and a youth concept. Yes, many travel agents advise Kemer village hotels for families with children, since there is more territory there, and you can relax from the city. Everyone has their own preference for You don't have to take it to heart. Everyone has the right to see and decide.
аватар PolikSVT
Hello! And I have my 3 kopecks here) firstly, when they ask a question about Kemer hotels, 95% do not mean the city itself, but the REGION of Kemer. Secondly, the average budget (even if it is not quite average) will never pull the premium hotels that were listed here)))))) What is Max Royale ????? Rixos? Amara Dolce Vita Even Amara Prestige will not pull on an average budget))) there is a fear that the Hydros Club will be out of reach) our prices for Turkey have jumped, as in pole vaulting) I, of course, also think that it is advisable to advise TS hotels with an unvoiced budget, like carrying water in a sieve) is just as productive))) but let's still be closer to real life!
аватар igor416
Igor. Large areas with a pine forest in two more or less priced hotels - the village of Tekirova, Marti-Mir and Euphoria Tekirova hotels. Rixos with large territories, but they are very expensive.
The concept of Kemer extends to the strip from the village of Beldibi to the village of Tekirova. So accepted.
аватар igor416
Igor. In general, to be honest, I do not understand such questions. There is a computer, dial Kemer and search. There are travel companies with their websites - everything is there - villages, prices, photos, and discussions of hotels. What is the problem?
аватар Veronika7081
PolikSVT, I listed the hotels of the entire Kemer region as much as possible with large territories, even specially for villages for different tastes and budgets. So that there are no disputes, now let the author sit down with his travel agent and calculate based on the budget. Again, I repeat, the period of separation has not been announced. If, for example, the end of the season, the beginning-mid-October, then one thing. If the high season: mid-July-mid-August is a completely different matter. Correctly noted: without a budget and a period of otd.advising a particular hotel is a thankless task.
аватар Veronika7081
igor416, personally and in Euphoria Tekirova (2015) and in Marty Mira (2014). I constantly follow these hotels, as they are really very green with a beautiful territory: Marty Mira - a pine forest, Euphoria - a wonderful combination of a garden and a pine forest. But there is but. If Euphoria last year worked more or less tolerably, although it has a Chechen co-owner, then Marty Mir has not been doing so well for 2 seasons in a row after the death of the hotel owner. How things will be in the 2018 season - only time will tell.
аватар Veronika7081
And according to Hydros, for example, at the beginning of June there is a risk that he will stop, if he has not already.
аватар Veronika7081
The author, if with a limited budget for super-large territories, does not have to be calculated. Look, for example, from the fives: the Fun&Sun Club Saphire 5 * hotel in the village of Tekirova. It is at least small 38000 sq.m., but green and well-groomed. works in the concept of TUI for children's department. Of course, there are flaws, but in its price segment it is not bad at all. They may also advise to consider in detail Akka Alinda in the village of Kirish, if the budget includes. Cheaper than Akka Antedon, but, of course, that the area is small 32000 sq.m.
аватар PolikSVT
serna7081, it's probably really difficult for you to navigate Russian prices. Hotels of the Akka chain, even Alinda, are difficult to attribute to mid-budget ones) even at the end of October last year, Alinda for 10 nights for two from Ekb cost $ 1,400) about the same prices for Marty Mir. Mid-budget hotels are for us something like Ozkpymak Marina, Queens Park Goynuk, Selchukan 4, Karelta Beach 4, Seker, Zena and the like)
аватар Vika284
PolikSVT does not specify the budget in the question, the author simply writes the average budget.
A few weeks ago there was a question about a tour to Turkey where the average budget was 3000 euros for 2 for 7 days
The average budget for each questioner is different. We can ask the author of this question to clarify the budget, number of days, period and number of adults and children in the requested tour.
аватар lazy_person
I think that it's enough to grind the meaningless "problem" - "Average budget" and "what is Kemer"? It is not necessary to list on the map all the hotels-parks on the coast from Antalya to Tekirova. For the majority of citizens who visit this site, it will be problematic to travel to this region this year. Prices have almost doubled. The "Hydros" I mentioned (I already regret getting involved in the discussion) has doubled in price. I named it because the hotel is in Kemer itself (not in the village) and it is good for the average (beggarly) budget that most of our citizens, including myself, have. This year will have to look for something cheaper. A week is not enough for me, I need 20 ... 24 days ... the main sea and my own beach.
аватар Veronika7081
iPolikSVT, of course, I personally do not follow the flight program from Yekaterinburg. Just like you, there is no need to follow, for example, the regional flight program from Lviv. Everything is logical. :) inextenso, not only increased the cost of a Turkish hotel for citizens of the Russian Federation, for Ukrainians as well. Plus the dollar. Here also consider. And personally I advise you not to get hung up on Kemer and everything will work out. Consider also Alanya and Side, for example, if the mountainous terrain is not important.
аватар Veronika7081
Guys, well, not everything is so bad with Russians, as you write. :) Several times, being in an average Turkish hotel, I came across several Russian families who lived in the hotel for almost a month, or 2 weeks in one and 2 weeks in another. But the average Ukrainian can hardly afford to live in a Turkish hotel for a month. Even with RB.
аватар lazy_person
For me, Alanya and Side are not interesting. I like Antalya itself (Konyaalti beach), I like Icmeler (Marmaris), Oludeniz. I have been to Kemer many times, mostly they were city hotels of the first line (I have been to many). Why do you think that I am "obsessed" with Kemer? The question in the post is about Kemer, and therefore the conversation is about Kemer. Speaking of "surroundings", here, for example, Chamyuva or Turunc is very close to Kemer (7 ... 10 km). But the beach in Camyuva is much better (wider, more spacious, fewer people) than in Kemer, and the sea is better (clearer and bluer), but this is a village with one street!
In the photo, the beach in Camyuva ...
аватар lazy_person
In the previous post, Kirish mistakenly called Turunc (he was thinking about Icmeler). In a previous post, Turunc mistakenly mentioned Kiris. It is necessary to read Camyuva and Kirish ... I once rested in Camyuva. I had a good rest, but all the time I lacked the feeling of a resort place, like in Kemer or Marmaris ...
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