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How common is the phenomenon of "the hotel is not ready and you are being taken to another hotel" in Turkey now?
How common is the phenomenon “the hotel is not ready and you are being taken to another hotel” in Turkey now, we are now faced with this, how to find out how not ready the Green Peace we ordered in Mahmutla is
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11 subscribers  • asked 2017-05-058 years ago
Answers  •  26
аватар Veronika7081
As far as I know, the Green Peace Hotel 3 * in Alanya did not work in the 2016 season. In general, it is correct to write a letter to the guest relations department. You write: "We are now faced with this ..." Did the tour operator warn you in advance that the hotel did not have time to open for your arrival? And when is your flight? In general, when replacing, the tour operator must provide a similar vacation option at a similar pricing policy or higher.
аватар Olgaolga153
Wouldn't it be easier to change the hotel before you left? In any case, they must instill in the hotel a level not lower than paid.
аватар iNicole
"the tour operator must provide ..." maybe and should, but in practice there is a different result
аватар Veronika7081
iNicole, what can I say to you. Of course, things happen. Once a year and the stick shoots. No one is safe from this, even in the high season, when the hotel cannot accept due to overcrowding, and the tour operator "technically" continues to sell tours through travel agencies and relocates vacationers to other hotels on the spot.
аватар iNicole
we were once moved to a hotel, I would say, 2 levels lower, referring to the "closing of the season" ... both hotels were owned by the same Turk ... the tour operator "merged" ... and rejected subsequent claims ...
аватар babol
And we had a case on the contrary - we went to the "worst" hotel, but settled in the "best" (at least in terms of location, hotels of the same owner). "resolved" the problem. We were not at all in a complaint - we got on the first line (and bought a tour to the hotel on the second line)
аватар musja7
there are no "lower level" options here. Green Peace is a 3* hotel. So when relocating, in the worst case, in the same 3 *, or in the most budgetary 4 *
аватар iNicole
musja7, the fact of the matter is that the three of a three are different - in my case it was like that ... at the end of the week of rest, the 3 * hotel was officially awarded the well-deserved 4 * ... after 2 days the hotel began to prepare for closing, and everyone tourists were relocated to a hotel, sort of like 3 *, but I have not seen a worse hotel!
аватар Siryi
We've been here for four days now! The Join Up operator and its Turkish partner reported ALREADY on the bus on the way from the airport that the hotel was not ready and confronted the fact that they were being taken to the Sea Bird Hotel, and they lied that they were in Mahmutlar. In fact, it turned out to be in Konakli, but since there was no Internet on the bus, I had to agree to the unknown. FIRST we were greeted by friendly staff and given a nice room with a great view. And we agreed. The nonnuance was that we were almost 3-4 guests at the hotel this year and it is clear that it is quite unusual when there are more staff than people. The food on the first day was at a shocking minimum, but after our indignation, we were forced to add much more every day. In general, formally THIS IS A FOUR, because you can’t present a claim in full, the reviews here are bad BUT there is a nuance that the reviews are far from being about the very beginning of the season. WATER on the hill is turned on almost only for us, any desires are fulfilled, silence in the hotel is not the right word, there is also expanse on the beach, we go to beach t
аватар Siryi
Slides on a neighbor's beach - no one minds, drinks on the beach, oddly enough, in the presence of tips, coffee and its counterparts, water. We have already gone on 2 excursions, in general we got there, but this is not fatal - we decided not to spoil our vacation with whining
аватар Siryi
And Join Up took note and concluded that it was about people
аватар Veronika7081
Siryi, you know about the Join Up Tour there are different reviews. Last year Joint cooperated with Yanair Airlines in Turkey. Some are completely satisfied with their work. Others complain that this tour operator liked to make late flights to Turkey and early flights from Turkey, thereby "stealing" vacation time from vacationers. This applied to many regional flights last season, for example, from Vinnitsa to Antalya and back. Personal experience with Join is positive. The experience of acquaintances is negative. Last year, I personally flew with them from Kyiv to Antalya: no complaints. Departure Kyiv-Antalya: early at 2.00, without delay. We met and brought to the hotel. Back: the flight was at 18.00, but was rescheduled for 20.00. But we were informed a day before by posting an ad on the stand. The guides from Join worked perfectly at the hotel, they were always connected via Viber. I can't say anything bad.
аватар Veronika7081
Siryi, now about the negative experience of acquaintances (friends of my friends) with Join up and Yanair. Departure regional from Vinnitsa to Antalya without problems. And then the carousels began. At this time, there was a failed military coup in Turkey. But all airlines and tour operators worked normally. Joint Up and Yanair successfully sent flights to Kyiv. But with Vinnitsa - as a "vicious circle". They rested in Belek. They brought people to Antalya, put them in a hotel and "marinated" for more than a day. Yes, the all inclusive worked. But they did not know the time of departure until the last moment, it was postponed several times. And then it turned out that in parallel there was a breakdown of the aircraft in Burgas, in Bulgaria, and Yanair had a completely "imbalance" of flights. We recently saw each other at a common birthday of friends: they still remember that “suitcase mood”. So it's different.
аватар iNicole
serna7081, what does it have to do with flights? the question was about changing the hotel
аватар Veronika7081
Siryi, but for the sake of justice, I want to say that eminent tour operators and airlines also have "punctures" in their work. Once a year, as they say, and the stick shoots. I myself recall the personal experience of departure in September 2015 from Kyiv to Antalya. Tour operator Coral Travel Ukraine, airline: Ukrainian Airlines. During the day, the flight time was confirmed at 4.00, nothing foreshadowed a dirty trick. Arriving at the Boryspil airport, the beginning of registration began "carousels". First, the departure window is changed out of the blue, then the terminal is transported by bus. While waiting, they gave a bottle of Morshinsky 0.5l and a sandwich. And took off only at 8.00. At the same time, the flights of other airlines were on time. Upon arrival, we learned that they had been delaying flights for several days, and not only from Kyiv, but also from Odessa and Lvov.
Siryi, and from the bottom of my heart I wish you a great holiday, even if not in the hotel you have chosen, and wonderful weather!
аватар Veronika7081
iNicole, I generally answered the author to his phrase: "Join Up was taken into account and concluded for a turbo about people." And so I wrote about the work of Join and his partner Yanair last year. Everything is different. This may also affect the replacement of the hotel and not only at the beginning of the season.
аватар iNicole
serna781, Is the operator responsible for the air carrier?
аватар Veronika7081
iNicole, last year both Coral and TUI had hotel replacements. I am in no way condoning Join. But last year, due to the well-known situation, some hotels did not open by the beginning of the season, which is why there were replacements. And indeed, unfortunately, it will probably not be possible for the author to make a claim in this case, since Join proposed a four instead of a three.
аватар Veronika7081
iNicole, actually yes. This is his partner last year, with whom he signed a contract. If the partner does not suit him, then he will change him. Is it logical? This year, with regional flights from the same Vinnitsa to Antalya and Dalaman, this is already evident. TPG and Join Up Tour tour operators have chosen Windrose and Bravo instead of Yanair. Let's wait and see how the situation will be with them with regional departures this season. From Vinnitsa there was the first flight to Antalya on 04/30/17 (Wind Rose) without any complaints. Today we are expecting the second one.
аватар id12084977
I had a situation at the end of the season that I ordered 3 stars. hotel in Kemer, which belonged to a hotel chain. Then it turned out that due to the fact that the end of the season, my hotel is closing, and I was offered another hotel from the same chain, 4 stars, but in another town. And I refused and urgently began to select another hotel for the same budget, but in Kemer. For me it was important in which city to live. The worst thing is when a similar situation arises on the spot upon arrival, when there is not much opportunity to change something.
аватар Siryi
This is exactly how it happened -Join Up found out about the unavailability of the hotel, of course, not on the way - on the bus to Alanya. The tour operator deliberately hid this fact, but a good room and our shock, coupled with a sleepy state, played a role in favor of the operator - we agreed to the first hotel offered (to put it mildly, imposed) on us (of course, Joyne Up knew where he moved us and what rating and reviews of this hotel).
аватар Siryi
For the reputation of the operator, it would be much more decent to check us in a more expensive hotel, and not in a formally higher 1 star, but according to reviews, one of the worst hotels in the region. The feeling that the Operator sarcastically laughed at you.
аватар Veronika7081
Siryi, what can I say: I just want to support you. If you are not satisfied with many things in the new hotel, then file a claim in writing: first, to the Join Up guide at the hotel, and upon arrival to your travel agent, who must forward this claim to the manager of the tour operator Join. Ultimately, the contract is between you and the travel agency. But, I repeat, it will be practically difficult to achieve any compensation, since in fact they put you in the top four, albeit unimportant, and not in the top three. But try, of course.
аватар Siryi
serna7081 agrees - there were conversations with both the travel agency via viber and with the SmartVoyaj operator for the first day, but after studying the contract, I realized that this is a formal increase in stardom - one and the border in the form of a voucher for the hotel administration, passed - two and further gestures depend on the goodwill of the operator or the lack of it, the Planet Tour travel agency, having achieved nothing from the tour operator, simply abstained from further communication, and the local partner Joyne Apa SmartVoyaj began to "roll me away" intensely - we'll arrange everything here now - you'll like it - after which they tried to raise the paper " that you are not in a claim" - on which I spat and went to the sea - on this everything froze.
By the way, just arrived at night :)
аватар Siryi
What has actually been achieved? well, maybe they looked into their mouths more - the water on the hill was turned on at our first request and often only for us, well, the absence of a buffet (which caused our main protest) stopped the next morning.
аватар Siryi
Appealing to the conscience of JoinUp is really funny - if the tour operator did this once - he, in principle, considers it possible to do so and this is an integral part of their style (sorry, I disagree - this is not about a stick shooting once a year and specifically at me).
The only thing is that I want people to be aware that this happens, and that as many people as possible bypass such underwater reefs in the work of tour operators.
My personal conclusions from this situation - in the off-season, take tours to Turkey ONLY in 5 *, you will not get a contrast when replacing, because the gradation of 4 * in Turkey seems to be large.
Listen to the advice of the travel agency on the hotels checked EXACTLY by this agency - because I myself found the Green Peace Hotel on my own head after many weeks of surfing on the Internet - the travel agency honestly said that they did not know this hotel and, accordingly, as it turned out, its medical history with non-opening in 2016 (in September they accepted tourists, as I found out, Russia opened, just)
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