Помогите выбрать отель в Турции для пары (или 2х пар) без детей, выбираю между отелями Papillon Belevil, Paloma Grida, Zigana Club. Лететь собираемся в конце сентября. Или подскажите альтерн
Help me choose a hotel in Turkey for a couple (or 2 couples) without children, I choose between the hotels Papillon Belevil, Paloma Grida, Zigana Club. We are planning to fly at the end of September. Or suggest an alternative
Help me choose a hotel in Turkey for a couple (or 2 couples) without children, I choose between the hotels Papillon Belevil, Paloma Grida, Zigana Club. We are planning to fly at the end of September. Or suggest an alternative
14 subscribers •
2016-08-029 years ago