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Recommend a hotel in the suburbs of Kemer with a lot of trees
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4 subscribers  • asked 2015-05-2110 years ago
Answers  •  9
аватар PolikSVT
Cheaper: Salima Club, Mustache Holiday Club, more expensive Zigan Club, Marty Mira (more than 1000 relic pines)
аватар Laricom5
Beldibi village (Kemer region) - Crystal Flora, Nirvana Laguna, Renaissance, Champion, Salima, Zigana, Amara Club, Sungate Port. Goynuk village - Voyager. Mirada del Mar, Ulusoy Club, Majesty La Mer, La Mer Art, Kemeros Park, Club Phaselis. Camyuva village - Simena Sun Club, Marco Polo (with a stretch), Eliza. Tekirova village - Marty Mira, Kaplan Paradise, Euphoria Tekirova, Amara Dolce Vita. And a dozen more. But the prices for the given hotels vary approximately 1 to 3. Cheaper Salima, Ulusoy, La mer Art. Dear Nirvana and Amara Dolce Vita.
аватар Laricom5
Missed - Kaplan Paradas is the worst of all from this list.
аватар agent_borabora
Laricom5 - the answer to 5+!
аватар PolikSVT
Well, all in one pile))) Amara Club Marine is my favorite hotel, but I don’t remember exactly the pine forest on the territory))) coniferous trees, but obviously they don’t pull on a pine forest)
аватар Laricom5
PolikSVT, you are driving yourself into a dead end.
This is your quote "Salim Club, Ususoy Holiday Club, more expensive Zigana Club", and Amara is next to Zigana. And the relic forest, which you often remember in Marty Mir, in Beldibi starts from Crystal Flora and ends behind Sungate Port. Maybe they really cut it down in Amar in 2015, and at the same time they removed the sign that your president Putin V. rested in it? And the question was asked about 5 * hotels with a large number of trees and pines (not a pine forest) and Laricom5 listed most of the hotels in the Kemer area, and the PolikSVT guard probably did not like that someone knows a little more than she? And according to Amara Club Marina - at least 6 hotels in the above list are better than your favorite (although they also rested in it twice).
аватар PolikSVT
And what about Putin???? And the saying "PolikSVT's watchman probably didn't like that someone knows a little more than she does?" only a narrow-minded, ambitiously preoccupied person could write)))) if you really rested in AKM and Zigan (which I doubt, apparently, they didn’t get further than the signs about Putin), then you should KNOW how these two NEIGHBORING hotels are different in their flora) yes, there is no "large number" of trees in AKM))) loaches entwining the bungalow - yes, there are, really a lot. In Zigane - both) and you probably know how they take care of each tree, right?))) I mean a special drainage system) and the beaches of these hotels, which are NEARBY, are diametrically different. as well as our views on the discussion. Your principle is a lot of vinaigrette. Which put La Mer, La Mer Art and Elise Beach on your list. Apparently, with a very big stretch))) the pictures were poorly considered.
аватар Laricom5
PolikSVT, mind you, I didn’t start the “discussion.” But the fact that you are a lover of demagoguery and empty phrases, I noticed a few months ago. When you stated that "some hotels 3 *, 4 * are better than 5 *. I asked to bring at least one hotel 3 *, 4 * better than hotels 5 * (HV1) from my list, and you voiced a hotel in Alanya (and Alanya to Kemer). Pachok asked a question about the sale of the Amara Club and you answered without hesitation he is now Crystal (no he remained the Amara Club your "most favorite hotel") In the same discussion, note again you insert the Sherwood Hotel (former Majesty Club Kemer Beach) in which I recently had a rest. I know a little about Sherwood (did not rest), I decided to check you with a simple question - the price per room. And you did not find a better answer - we were given a trip by relatives (I would at least try to answer more specifically on yours). Do it yourself conclusion, which of us is a narrow-minded and superficial person.And yet - you are not so much trying to answer the question, but are trying to find flaws in the answers of tourists, or even offer answers that are not related to the questions posed.I stop arguing with you, because I think she is useless.
аватар PolikSVT
Once again I was convinced that in your head you not only win, but also full of porridge) from my answers you interfere with everything you want) and what I said about the price of Sherwood (of course, I could go to the TO website and see the price to answer " the truth", or you had to call your son and "try" him about the amount of payment for the tour, just to please you))) tourists here thanked me more than once for specific help in choosing a hotel, and it's over, I'm very pleased. And in a personal in subsequent years, they wrote with a request to help. Which is what I wish you. If you don’t verbiage and give out information from the Internet for your own experience)))
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