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I want to go to Turkey to my friends for more than 3 months
I know that it is possible to make an invitation for 6 months from the Turks, how is it all done, how much does it cost, and what documents are needed?
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1 subscriber  • asked 2014-10-0310 years ago
Answers  •  1
аватар ollennka
This is done in Yabanc?lar ?ubesi (I don’t know the exact translation, something like “department for foreigners”), it costs 50 Turkish liras, the processing time is no more than 90 days. From the documents you need: an application for a residence permit, 4 photos, an original passport (foreign, of course), a copy of the passport (a page with a photo, with the validity of the passport and a page with a stamp on entry into Turkey), confirmation of financial well-being in the form of an extract from a bank account or a certificate of currency exchange (500 US dollars for each month of stay in the country), if you live with Turkish friends, a notarized guarantee from them, if not with friends, then a notarized lease agreement, medical insurance (in Turkish insurance companies).
Link to Yabanc?lar ?ube M?d?rl???
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