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Tell me hotels with quality food budget 120,000 for two
Problems with the digestive system in an adult
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7 subscribers  • asked 2014-06-1311 years ago
Answers  •  23
аватар sent2008
I would not advise Turkey with these problems, it is better to consider Cyprus, Greece - the quality of food is much higher, the prices are almost the same.
аватар korolevaev1503
And in Greece and Cyprus, you can advise something. All inclusive or full board. You can't change food.
аватар Alexandr-
In general, going abroad is dangerous in itself with such problems ...
As for Greece and Cyprus, it is a little doubtful that "the prices are practically the same" ...
аватар korolevaev1503
Last year in Greece it was normal. But the third time in the same hotel .... Yes, and in March in the Dominican Republic there are no problems at all. So you just have to make the right choice. This is where I ask for advice.
аватар sent2008
I don’t know the period, I looked at the city of departure in Cyprus, in Protaras the hotel where we rested for 2 years in a row, the hotel is called Greshian Park 5 * from 21.09 (very comfortable time to stay) for 2 for 9 nights FB 122000, the hotel is very good The food is excellent, everything is fresh and tasty.
There are 4 * and even 3 * in Protaras with decent living conditions and good cuisine. Cyprus is Europe, there is a completely different concept of food than in Turkey, and the level of 5 * in Cyprus and 5 * in Turkey are two big differences.
Alexander, last year at the end of May-beginning of June, we rested in Cyprus in the above-mentioned hotel for 13 nights, 2 adults, HB, free visa, paid 98,000 for the tour. In September, we rested in Greece, Crete, 9 nights, 2 adults, ALL, with visas, -5% discount from the operator, the cost of the tour is 85000. Tell me, is Turkey a 5 * hotel, deluxe (very worthy), 13 nights for 2 adults can I meet 98000?
аватар koroshchenko
Amara dolce vita. The kitchen is very good, a fairly good dietary table.
аватар sent2008
koroshchenko, Amara Dolce Vita is a good hotel: location, service, rooms, food, everything is very good, only the price: 6 nights cost 151,000, the author's budget is 120,000, it makes no sense to go for 3 nights.
аватар grinya_700
Dear! What are we talking about!? Well, if small children are being taken, then for an adult, even with problems, I think you can choose exactly what you choose so that everything else is on a level with an identical choice of food. At least: fish, vegetables, etc. are always available, and it makes no sense to choose those where the 24-hour lobby bar serves .... diet tables are everywhere. Advice; choose three to five hotels and ask the gastrion about the availability of table diets, and then filter one for yourself. And directly, I personally would never trust someone's advice, because, as you know, there are no comrades for taste and color. The main thing is to make a decision YOURSELF, tune in positively, because rest is 99% of your state of mind !!! Well, if everything is very ,,digestive, seriously ... - then in ,,intestinal,,resorts (Karlovy Vary, etc.)
аватар Pachok
Karlovy Vary is not an "intestinal resort", now you advise: (((
The author, indeed, choose the resort you like, select several hotels for the price and ask specifically for them, I think there will be someone to answer for any hotel in Turkey :)
120000 is how much money is now?
аватар Alexandr-
You do not forget that in Turkey - "all inclusive", and even "ultra", and you propose to compare with Greshian Park, 9 nights for 122,000 and even not all inclusive. Plus, there are probably paid sun loungers and mattresses on the beach.
Would you like to find a classy hotel in Turkey for two for 9 nights for 122,000 rubles? Easily! There are a lot of them.
аватар Alexandr-
And if we are talking about Amara, then we can consider the most budget Amarochka))
For your favorite 9 nights only 120 000 rubles.
If we are talking about nutrition and digestive problems, then you can safely go. The food is top notch. I'm sure it's no worse than in Cyprus.
аватар koroshchenko
In amara, if you talk to the manager, you will have an individual. Cook
аватар grinya_700
Pachok! And what kind of Karlovy Vary is then a resort in your opinion, if not intestinal? Beer, right? Wikipedia is very clear on this. Thanks....
аватар sent2008
Alexander, I didn’t understand what kind of 122000 we are talking about? I gave specific examples: Cyprus, 5 *, 13 nights, 2 adults, HB, 98000 (in 2012 they took FB, for 9 nights for 78000); Greece, Crete, 9 nights, 2 adults, ALL, sun loungers, umbrella free of charge, with 2 visas, with a 5% discount as regular tourists the cost of the tour in mid-September with a departure from Moscow is 85,000 rubles. Where can I go to Turkey for 85,000 on the same conditions?
Tell me, in which hotels in Cyprus did you rest? To speak with confidence, you need to know for sure. I have been to Turkey many times, only in 5 *, but the food in Cyprus and Crete is much better, the quality of alcohol should not be compared at all, and the Greeks and Greek Cypriots themselves are much more pleasant to communicate with.
аватар Alexandr-
sent2008 How can you not understand what it is about if you wrote it yourself. I am quoting.
** the hotel in which we rested for 2 years in a row, the hotel is called Greshian Park 5 * from 21.09 (a very comfortable time for rest) for 2 for 9 nights FB 122000 **
Please note - not all inclusive.
Why is Amara in Kemer worse for the same money????
аватар sent2008
Alexander, above I wrote my opinion about Amara Longer Vita and the price of 151,000 rubles for 6! nights, 122,000 for 9 nights and 151,000 for 6 nights are not the same at all, and not everyone needs ALL, my family does not need it. If you like Turkey, well, I like it too, but less than Cyprus. I think there is no point in arguing, the author of the question will figure out the situation himself.
аватар sent2008
Alexander, by the way, you promised to pick up hotels in Turkey for me, they said that it would be easy for you to do this, don’t take it for work, since you promised, write, you can 2-3 hotels, you can list, you can in a personal. Thank you!
аватар Pachok
grinya_700, Karlovy Vary - a resort for the treatment of the pancreas, for diabetics, for people with high sugar and other metabolic disorders.
аватар Pachok
sent2008, get ready! Now hear about Garden Resort Bergamot :)
аватар sent2008
Thank you, Pachok, I got ready, I looked - the second line, 4 *, for families with small children - it's not mine. Alexander asked yesterday, asked, but he never gave me an answer, not a single answer either on hotels or on budgets, with other rest conditions being equal.
аватар Alexandr-
Comrades! Well I'm just in Garden Resort Bergamot right now! A little digressed from the truth. Dear sent2008 will definitely receive from me several options for holidays in Turkey, as soon as I return from this Turkey. I don't offer her a bergamot, don't worry. By the way, yesterday I finally reached the vaunted Kemer Waikiki))) What can I say - children's clothes on the -1st floor are just a waste. I agree with all the rave reviews. The quality and price are very pleasing. You can't buy anything for a child in Moscow for that kind of money.
аватар korolevaev1503
Thanks a lot, everyone! As a result, I booked Amathus Beach Rhodes 5 *.
аватар sent2008
korolevaev1503, have a nice rest and good health!
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