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Tell me, who knows what kind of shopping center DEEPO in Antalya?
Tell me, who knows what kind of shopping center DEEPO in Antalya? Located near the airport building.
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3 subscribers  • asked 2009-03-2816 years ago
Answers  •  5
аватар Dusha
A huge shopping center, European prices, a large number of well-known brands, But in my opinion this is not the place where you can make bargains. So, you can take a walk, take a look. There is a large entertainment center nearby.
аватар 31121983
A large shopping complex, prices are higher than, say, in any shop on the next street .. Various cafes, a cinema, shops, famous brands. You can walk around, see, but buy - not worth it ..))
аватар iNicole
Thanks for the info. And I, on the contrary, were oriented towards him in terms of profitable purchases!
аватар abysfinks
russiansweet, DEEPO - scam for money and time.
аватар klassik
İa jivu vot uje neskolko let v Antalyi. Esli mne çtoto nujno iz odejdi, or nado odet detey ia vsegda edu v Deepo. vo pervih ia tam nahoju to çto iskal, vo vtorih ia vsegda ostayus dovolnim kachestvom kuplennih veshey, nu i konechno provedeonnoe tam vremia osobenno s detmi ostovliaet horoshee vpeçatlenie. A na scheot sen, tam vsegda
bivayut skidki, esli hotite kupit podeshevle, to ishite tovari so skidkami. A sovsem deoshevo eto uje na bazar.
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