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about prices in Antalya
Can someone specifically answer, it costs so much, and this is so much in Antalya and Kemer? Everyone has the same type of information - cheaper than in Russia, the price-quality corresponds, the price is decent, etc. What about clothing prices? First-hand? Don't be lazy, please.
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5 subscribers  • asked 2013-04-2412 years ago
Answers  •  7
аватар sandra-art
if you are talking about things in the market, then the price depends on how much you bargain. about shops. I bought T-shirts for 5-10 liras in Mango, shorts for 15 liras. this is from what I remember. sale of course. in another Turkish store I bought a chic two-layer chiffon sundress for 25 lira. in Motor Jeans I bought a T-shirt with a collar for 10 lira. It's hard for people to remember prices.
аватар sergei.pom
Turkey is a country where there are no opportunities to make money easily, as in the Russian Federation, and therefore they are accustomed to making their own profit out of everything. The goods will be sold to you for the price at which you agree to buy, and therefore they always overestimate the primary price to foreigners by 3-4 times, that is, they are counting on an amateur. There is no such thing in Russia, and therefore, before you buy, you need to know the price of goods in the Russian Federation. In October 2012, I bought a sheepskin coat in Istanbul of average quality for $ 400, because there were no better ones in the shops of that area. In Russia, it costs at least 700 dollars. In 2007, in Marmaris, they offered me a raincoat in a store for $2,000, and I bought the exact same one for $300 in Russia before my trip. And so I immediately left the store so that they would not consider me an idiot. When the cigarettes ran out, I bought a pack of cheap ones for 100 rubles in a Marmaris store, and I bought the same houses for 10 rubles. Oh, how I scolded myself for not adding cigarettes to my suitcase.. Ice cream in the resort of Marmaris cost 80 rubles, and in the Russian Federation then 12 rubles. Think and prepare for the trip thoroughly. Good luck.
аватар Mascot71
In the leather centers of Antalya, they ask you not to pay attention to the price tag, but a trustworthy source explained to me that the figure on the price tag is exactly 5 times too high. In Deppo, I took jeans for 30 lire on sale, looked at Stockmann for 3.5 tr. Water 0.5 from 0.5 lira to 1 euro, fresh portacal from 1 lira to 2 euro (show us where you can drink fresh for 80 re). Ketchup 0.5 2-2.5 lira, Efes bottle 3 lira Vodka 0.33 12-18 lira, Russian from under the counter 10-15 dollars. Cigarettes 4.75 lira Lark Kyrgyz bring home. "I bought the same houses for 10 rubles" is PRIMA chtoli?????? Ice cream that we have, that they have a dollar ball, textile towels, etc. even in resort villages are cheaper than in our market, my wife always buys a couple of bags for 40-50 simpler and 80-100 fancy, this is $ if in Kemer and lira if in Antalya, last year I bought a shirt for 28 lire, we have an analogue of 1000 rubles, more???
аватар blad39
In Antalya, on the Gulyuk market, jeans are good for 15-25 dollars, men's shirts are 10-25 lira (such shirts in Kemer are 20 dollars)
аватар korulko2012
Thanks everyone for the replies! More or less understandable. Mascot71, about your "more???". When were you in Antalya? And yet, I'm very interested in Deppo. Can you tell me more about men's, women's and children's clothing? How much did you buy yourself, for what did you see? Sorry for not answering right away. The computer is not always at hand. Thanks in advance to everyone who is not lazy
аватар Mascot71
korulko2012 Anafartalar Caddesi, Antalya, Türkiye and Google maps to help you, this is a sale street in the Kalechi district, shops start right from the park on the waterfront (there is also an equestrian monument to the Sultan). There are few tourists, Russian is not spoken everywhere, respectively, the prices are divine, lately we go shopping only there. I don’t know how to get there by public transport, I always drive a rental car on the map. Unfortunately, I don’t monitor the assortment of children’s and women’s clothing, I have a wife for it, I take jeans and shirts (polos, T-shirts) for myself, everything is of high quality and cheaper than ours, but naturally not cheaper than in winter Antalya or Istanbul.
аватар korulko2012
Good time everyone! Interested in this question. Who was recently in Turkey, what is the price of gold items in shops and shopping centers in Antalya? Interested in 14 and 18 carat gold, pendant chain (without stone) and ring (without stone), in the product and per gram? It is clear that depending on the work, its complexity and place of purchase, but at least the average cost? You need to buy a gift, so you could find your bearings .... Or, if someone is competent, how to calculate the cost of a gram of a gold product 14-18 K depending on the world price of gold, especially since the price for it is now not very fluctuating (+;- 10-15$)? At such a price on the world exchange, gold 585 (or 14 carats) costs so much, plus so much for the work, etc.? I would be very grateful to everyone who was too lazy to answer. Thank you for your attention!
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