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How to bring money to Turkey?
In what currency? Dollars, euros? Where is the best place to change?
Are there many places where you can pay with a credit card?
It may be more profitable to carry money on the card and withdraw on the spot at an ATM immediately in local currency?
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10 subscribers  • asked 2013-04-1911 years ago
Answers  •  23
You can carry both dollars and euros and pay with them. In large stores, you can pay by card, although a sufficient number of shops have already appeared with the possibility of paying with a bank card.
аватар votvam
You can also withdraw money from the card in any currency directly at an ATM.
аватар babol
It’s easiest to carry on the map, and it’s most profitable to pay with lira (for many services, transport and goods) Excursions are mostly paid in dollars (most profitable) or euros. I haven’t seen prices for excursions in lira (except in Antalya). or at the post office or even at the hotel (the rate is quite acceptable). In some stores they can take euro dollars - at the rate of the Turkish bank - but they will give change in lira
аватар sigur62
yealena, the question is rhetorical.
In the last sentence, you yourself gave the correct answer.
аватар yealena
And what commission does the bank keep if I withdraw money from an ATM on the spot?
аватар yealena
And what is the conversion rate? At the rate of my bank or Turkish?
аватар votvam
There is no commission, there is a slight exchange rate difference. I can’t say for sure, but we took euros, and the difference was a meager amount. Not tense.
аватар sigur62
This is not true.
There is no commission only if you withdraw from the ATM of YOUR bank, i.e. the bank that issued your card. When receiving cash from ATMs of other banks, a commission of 3-5% is withheld.
This is done all over the world, and Turkey is no exception.
If you withdraw lira from a ruble card, then you still lose on conversion, since the exchange rate is unfavorable.
It's all about cash.
But there is no commission when paying by card. This is the most beneficial.
аватар yealena
Why is the course bad? The idea was just to shoot at a favorable rate)))
аватар sigur62
Not that it's completely disadvantageous. You will have a card not in lira, but in rubles, or euros, or dollars ...
So you need to find out which currency local banks like more, and in such a currency and open a card.
But certainly not in rubles)))
аватар 4Molly
Of course, paying with a card is beneficial, but I had problems with checking the balance in Turkey. It was not checked at an ATM, the SMS service did not work abroad (although everything was fine with roaming), I had to look for the Internet and check in Internet banking (((Personally, I prefer to pay for all small purchases in dollars and take a reserve in euros (if you want something buy a large one), and I use lira only in Istanbul.
аватар Trisha75
Lira is used in Marmaris, Fethiye, Antalya (I mean the city), Istanbul. In Kemer, Tekirov and Side - the euro-dollar is in use. In the supermarkets Migros, BIM, Tanzash, SHOCK and clothing Waikiki (all prices in chain stores will be in lira), it is better to pay with a card or lira, the euro-dollar will be taken at a completely unfavorable rate. There are many exchangers, but we always change a small amount right at the airport, the exchange rate is almost the same as in the bank. And then we look for an exchange office already on the spot and change it as necessary. I analyzed prices, and so it turned out to be more profitable to pay in lira to anyone, even in clothing markets)))
everywhere you can pay in dollars, but for services and products, in fact, your bank will not charge a commission, but if you cash out, then a commission is charged (depending on the bank and which card you own) and you still lose on the difference in rates, because the bank exchange considers operations at its unfavorable rate for you.
It may be worth taking some dollars with you for small expenses (if you wish, you can easily change them)
аватар Trisha75
It is possible that it is possible - they will only recalculate the price at the rate favorable to THEM. If the price is indicated in lira - 5TL, then at the rate of the bank you should pay $ 2.8 in dollars, and they naturally call $ 3. And I repeat once again: for tickets in museums, for goods in chain supermarkets, you either need a card, or lira!
аватар yealena
Thanks everyone for the valuable information!
I'll take half on the card, half in dollars, and then I'll exchange half of the dollars for lira =)
аватар igor1960
in resort towns they take everything, even rubles, Ukrainian hryvnias and Kazakh tenges. And all this in exchangers. But of course the exchange rate is not profitable at all. If in Antalya you can exchange $1 for 1.7 TL, then in Kemer for 1.6 (this was last September) If in Ukraine you can buy $100 for 815 hryvnias, then in Kemer for 900, well, rubles and tenge with the same pymeric ratio. He is a resort and a resort in Turkey, everyone earns.
аватар igor1960
if you are in the Kemer area, take dollars, in euros in this area they are considered at an unfavorable rate. And if you are in an area where there are a lot of Europeans, in Marmaris, for example, then the euro is more profitable there than the dollar. If you do not shop in large supermarkets - where prices are fixed or use public transport, then there is no point in changing to lira.
аватар yealena
Yes, I will be in the Kemer area. I think that one cannot do without trips by public transport, as well as without shopping in stores ...
Thank you!
аватар Trisha75
In Kemer (or rather in Tekirova) in October it was more profitable to change Euros for lira. In terms of back and forth, it turned out much "tastier")))
аватар Alexandr-
igor1960! How is that?
**If you do not shop in large supermarkets - where prices are fixed or use public transport, then there is no point in changing to lira**
Everything is exactly the opposite! Just the same for shopping in supermarkets, lira is an ideal option.
аватар igor1960
Alexandr, you simply did not understand the meaning and just wrote exactly the opposite yourself. I wrote "If you DO NOT make purchases ...." And if you DO NOT make purchases, then why exchange for lira?
аватар Alexandr-
I stepped, I already noticed)))
аватар helena_fortuna
In Antalya - definitely Euro
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