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The eternal question: Turkey or Egypt?
Holiday is on fire! Help: where to go? In Egypt it seems cheaper, but the heat and the war! A child of 14 years old requires a water park (not 1-2 slides. I look at the Jungle or Titanic-Egypt, or Dedeman or Eftalia-Turkey. There is no special time to analyze which ones are caught, so ALL hope is only for you, EXPERTS! Maybe some other hotels Budget up to 100 thousand from Moscow for 2 for 13-14 days.Please help!!!
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5 subscribers  • asked 2012-07-3013 years ago
Answers  •  4
аватар Gorin_RUS
There is no war in Eghmipt. These are all fairy tales. If cabbage allows, then Thurland is better. It's not so hot, and the hotels are more fun.
аватар jabetta
The eternal answer: who needs something from rest!
If the matter is only in the slides, then choose the most optimal variant of the "price-quality" combination, regardless of the country, and if there are any other requirements, then specify more specifically. Again, specify the dates of the planned vacation.
аватар Li-m3012
It seems to me that a 14-year-old child is better off in Egypt (yes, it’s hot, but dry), and even if the slides are not so hot, the sea is a sight to behold. But in Turkey, where there are good water parks on the territory, you can’t fit in 100 t r for 2 weeks (after all, that’s probably all on needed)
аватар Natali11131
Yes, holidays are on fire, this is from August 20 + -3 days. It seems that there are more hotels with slides in Egypt, but travel agents unanimously say that hot + 50 is unbearable.
That's just the point, that I ask to advise hotels.
Dedeman in Antalya is half board, but again, it’s not a fact that it will actually be cheaper than ALL. The main point is to take the child to a hotel with a water park.
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