много ли комаров в Кемере в сентябре
Are there many mosquitoes in Kemer in September
Едем в сентябре с мужем в Симену Сан Клаб в КЕМЕРЕ. Там 2-х этажные виллы ,утопающие в зелени. Много ли в сентябре комаров? Просто когда были в Египте. там в 5 вечера травили всяких летающих гадов. А какова утт ситуация?
We are going in September with my husband to Simena Sun Club in KEMER. There are 2-storey villas surrounded by greenery. Are there many mosquitoes in September? Just when they were in Egypt. there at 5 pm they poisoned all sorts of flying reptiles. And what is the situation?
2 subscribers •
2008-08-1817 years ago