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Help me choose a hotel in Kemer!!!!!!!!!!
People, help me decide on a hotel. We fly for the first time, we really want a good impression. More young people please!!! I choose from these: Joy Paladien, L\'oceanica Beach Resort Hotel and Garden Resort, and maybe some other, but in the same price category up to $ 3,000 for two. Thank you in advance
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1 subscriber  • asked 2008-08-0517 years ago
Answers  •  12
аватар Agha
hello. Ya vot toje podiskivau sebe 4to to pomolodejney ... zna4it nujno poblije k centru samogo Kemera i 4to nibud' pobol'she i ne o4en' dorogoe... Mne uje neskol'ko 4elovek zarekomendovalo Crystal Hotel Deluxe. A ti s kem sobiraeshsya ?
аватар kety
Club Marco polo - a lot of young people and a lot of fun.
Garden is not recommended.
аватар Kot_Turkey
Crystal Hotel Deluxe is not located in Kemer, but 140 km from Antalya in Side! This is the former Ardisia! This is the horror after which this hotel closed and after opening in the spring nothing has changed for the better! Secondly, there it stands alone on both sides and only to the city by bus! The sea is across the road through the underpass! the beach is not well maintained!
аватар Kot_Turkey
Kemer is an inexpensive Kemer Rich! Cheap but cheerful!
аватар stella_kiev
HIGHLY recommend Orange County! Ate the first trip, mood for a youth party, calculation for the proximity of discos,
the desire to receive excellent service, cuisine - definitely consider this option. The only price - 3000 dollars - for what period? I don't know what the offers are.
аватар Lara92
I recommend Otium Hotel. 5*. To Kemer by taxi 10-15 minutes. Very fun and party hotel. Were there in June. The area is very green and small. So it's easy to get to know each other. And every other day everyone knows each other. Bad disco. But we met the guys and often went to Kemer for discos, foam shows and just for a walk. But the hotel will not be boring either. Highly recommend :)
аватар izotova
Orange is really cool hotel.
аватар Agha
Ne znau nas4et Side, no Crystal Hotel Deluxe naxoditsya pryamo v center Kemera u reki, pryamo ryadom's Fame Residence, vse night clubi i diskoteki 4erez dorogu da i govoryat v samom oteli toje tusa ni4ego. Poetomu udoben dlya molodeji do vsego rukoy podat'; semeynie tuda ne sunutsya tak kak spat' ne smogut po no4am ot shuma diskotek :o))
аватар Alenkaya
I also recommend Otium Art (Kemer), a lot of young people. fun, good discos, great animation. After 2-3 days you feel like in your own company. Perfect for the 1st time!
аватар 57888
Garden Resort at a price of about 1600 for two will be a good hotel in the center of Kemer, but 1.5 km from the sea. Rested in it people 10 friends this year, everyone liked it! L'oceanica is located in Camyuva, drive 5-6 km to the center of Kemer. Choose hotels in the very center of Kemer: Orange is super!
аватар Agha
Ludi posovetuyti v kakoy iz etix oteley ludshe poexat'. Otium Art or Marco Polo ... where bolee tusovo4no i mnogo molodeji ?? Ya ranshe dumal po blije k centu Kemera, no tam oteli skromnen'kie i ne bol'shie sovsem... a mne bi pobol'she narodu i tusovki do utra ...bol'she vsego bous' popast 'v kakoy nibud' ''semeynik'' gde detey malen'kix t'ma t'mushaya. Te kto uspeli pobivat' v kakom to iz etix oteley, pojaluysto posovetuyte 4to nibud'.
аватар Hasulik
PRIVET ya sejchas otdixay v Kemere yjas otel bil Mary, xoroshie ysliviya i blizko k mory otel Dream 4 zvezdochki v denj 90 dollarov s edoj rekomendyu,jelay priyatnogo otdixa!
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