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Prıvet vsem, kto eshe ne uehal v Marmarıs OTEL MAVI, podumaıte! U nas after uzhına v MAVI 10 chelovek otpravılıs\' v HOSPITAL. 2 DNYA ız otpuska bılı vıcherknutı. 4 cheloveka lezhalı 2 chasa pod kapel\'nıtseı. Kto popadal v podobnıe ıstırıı podelıtes\' opıtom. Ne hochetsya ostavlyat\' bez sleda. Mı poka esche v Marmarıse.
Translated automatically from Russian. View original
no subscribers  • asked 2008-07-1717 years ago
Answers  •  5
аватар Dostavkaturov
Contact us for insurance! And through the guide so that he calls from his phone! Roaming and calls from the hotel will cost a penny.
аватар Elenka08
definitely need to contact the meeting party, they have a hospital with which they cooperate and then the insurance company of course.
аватар 57888
the first step was to immediately call the hotline number, which is indicated in the insurance policy. You must tell what happened, leave your details and they themselves must contact you within 20 minutes. But you pay for the call to the hotline.
аватар Bear-cub
There is another option to contact their police, because. mass poisoning of people is a crime!
аватар lexus090
po strahovke to vseh vılechılı, a turoperator (kstatı Intourıst Rıvera) neset kakuyu-to otvetstvennost'? Est' lı smısl podavat' na nıh v sud?
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