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Tell me, in early April, is there a big difference between Alanya, Side and Belek?
I mean the weather.
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6 subscribers  • asked 2011-03-2914 years ago
Answers  •  16
аватар Katyyy
I would say there is no difference
аватар alex45
There is no difference!
аватар usaratov
was anyone there at the time? Can you swim in the outdoor pools? Can you recommend a hotel? never been to Turkey. I want more fun - sports in moderation, a disco, etc.
аватар alex45
I recommend everyone here to read about the regions of Turkey,
their features, then by rating (at least 7.0) choose hotels and read reviews about them, they will be different, but you will get the concept.
not enough space for answers.
аватар narat91
We were last year, Belek, Alva Donna hotel. April 29 - May 6. Very pleased. There was a disco, we did not go, because. small children, so I can’t tell.. The pools are super, the Spa center is great...
The children did not want to go to the sea, they said it was cold, the adults all swam. Water +21.
аватар Maxim2011
Lord. Good evening., I don’t want to interrupt your conversation.., but I want to clarify that in Alanya it is much warmer in April than in Belek. Side borders on Alanya, so it's 5-7 degrees warmer. Alanya is located to the south of all and it’s very decent to go to it!
аватар alex45
Dear Maxim, Please look at the map of the Antalya Gulf and you will see that in latitude Alanya is at the level of Kemer, yes, Side is to the north with Belek and Antalya, but in the bays, as a rule, the water is about the same temperature. This is an axiom. 1-2 degrees doesn't count.
And in Side there is a shallower shore, water heating due to chalk
The waters will equalize the temperature of the water, and there will be no difference.
аватар Katyyy
But who even came up with the idea that Alanya is to the south? what about the fact that Side is generally a steppe, there are small mountains in Alanya, then there are much more winds there, so the temperature difference does not generally fluctuate in the direction of Alanya, I’m silent already about the rivers flowing into the sea, which also do not warm up the water in it.
аватар Katyyy
If the temperature difference with Kemer were 7 degrees, then the beach season in Alanya should already be open, why is it not so?
аватар alex45
Katy! Well, the impression is that Kemer is in the north, Alanya is in the south, and you don’t think that you go around the bay and go to the level of Kemer again.
аватар Maxim2011
Aleks45 ..,, you yourself were there in April or March ??? Anyone can look at the map and say that Alanya is at the level of Kemer. When you gather in April or March in Alanya, then you will speak. To look at the map is absolutely nothing!!!!!!!!!))) And if you look from the airport, they are at completely opposite ends! And besides, I was in Alanya Botanica 2 times in March and April!
аватар alex45
I am responsible for my words! And I was in Side in the spring, and I didn’t see a big difference, A difference of 1-2 degrees means nothing, if the coast is steep, one temperature, if shallow water is different, and therefore
I repeat - no big difference in temperature
there is no sea in the Gulf of Antalya (on average). Being Mitrofanushka - "looking at the map is absolutely nothing" is ridiculous, measuring temperatures from the airport is even funnier.
аватар Maxim2011
In fact, everyone answers !!!!!!!! Yes, no one measures the pace from the airport! If you can read carefully, I meant location. I was in Alanya and I can say that it is warmer there, maybe a maximum of 5 gr! Advice for you .., live there, relax, look and do not worry! The argument is pointless! In our time, dick will understand what the weather is and what to expect from it! We went to Antalya for Christmas, so it was 26 warm when everyone was shouting, both friends and colleagues, that the thermometer would not rise above 16-18C.
аватар alex45
So I say, arguing with you is pointless! Study geography and at the same time hydrology (this is the science of water). You
they wrote that Alanya is south of Kemer, but it turns out that they are almost at the same latitude, look not on the map, but on the location of the airport (Antalya is north
all), etc. Learn, you bastard!
аватар Maxim2011
Soon the poles will change places! You and then will argue where is warmer????? GEOGRAPHER!!!!!!!!
аватар usaratov
thank you all))))
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