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Is it worth going to Turkey in mid-May?
Hello! We want to go to Turkey to relax after the wedding, but we can’t decide where, because we want to combine the pleasant (sunbathe, swim) with the useful, i.e. we want to buy goods (clothes) in our own store, and relax, but in Istanbul there is no resort area. Tell me where you can relax and shop!
Translated automatically from Russian. View original
7 subscribers  • asked 2011-03-2114 years ago
Answers  •  35
аватар alex45
Fly to Antalya, relax there by booking through
booking or other hotel search engines, then Turkish
by airlines to Istanbul, they were stingy and home. In Antalya, prices for goods will be higher. They fly in Turkey
low-cost airlines, there are also from Russia to Turkey. Find and order them through search engines in
Internet and go. Congratulations in advance on your wedding!
аватар Anetka-gan
to Antalya in May is cheaper to buy a tour than to fly yourself. the weather is already warmer. you can sunbathe. buy as you please. shopping in istanbul is the best of course. but to swim it is necessary to go to the islands. It was cold last May! so we didn't even swim.
аватар anka1-05
Thank you very much ... we will look for loopholes ...
And we hope that the weather will be lucky ...))))
аватар alex45
Anetka! I didn’t offer the option of a tour for relaxation,
and rest in Antalya and shopping in Istanbul with flights
low-cost, last year my vacation in Kemer on my own in Sailors cost 500 greens cheaper than I was offered by TA, it was the month of June. So, you can’t say so categorically! Everything needs to be checked.
аватар Anetka-gan
I do not argue =) but we have Vizeir and Pegasus, and the girl is from Russia. there are other rates.
Yes, and you need to take it to Vizeir earlier so that it is cheaper. and for May there prices are already rising every day.
аватар Anetka-gan
I just think that you need to go to Istanbul purposefully for at least 4 days to take a walk! and in order to buy goods, you need to go around all the shops in Laleli and Merter well. This also takes time.
аватар alex45
I wrote about this that there are other low-cost airlines in Russia, so I am not Copenhagen in them.
аватар alex45
Although WIZZAIR flew back and forth last year, it was a half-empty plane.
аватар Alfini
There are no low-cost airlines to Antalya in Russia. Visa Air from Kyiv for May for 500 bucks.
аватар anka1-05
I've been reading your posts and am completely confused as to what to do.
Is it possible to get to Istanbul according to the hotel program? It’s just that we used to go as ordinary tourists and there were no questions about buying goods ... now we decided to get to the “first hand”, but at the same time we don’t really know anything ..... I feel now myself as a complete layman (((
аватар alex45
Alfini! Where do you get such prices from? I went to the site:
Kyiv (Zhulyany) - Antalya, took a week from May 21 -2976 hryvnia or about 375 tanks. Anka! There is a website - this is a search engine for flights, sit down,
develop a route that is convenient for you, maybe a flight to Istanbul, buying goods and sending to Russia, and then Turkish Airlines to Antalya, a seaside vacation (you need to book a hotel through booking) and then home. All this can be done
through the Internet - all bookings and tickets for planes.
Low-cost airlines are cheap airlines, I don’t think they don’t exist. This is the same information as tickets for Whizzair for $ 500
аватар Katyyy
From my own experience, I want to say that the idea of ​​​​such a combination is very unsuccessful. Unless you have plenty of time, at least two weeks. Otherwise, you won't get much rest. Purchases can, of course, be made in a couple of days, but this is provided that you know exactly where to go and what exactly you need to buy, that is, at pre-planned stores.
аватар Katyyy
And one more important point - depending on the volume of purchases you plan. think about how you solve the issue of customs clearance. Will you ship with a transport company or carry it yourself? A very influential factor.
аватар alex45
This idea is for future newlyweds. I am for a honeymoon trip without any hassle, but I tried to help how
organize everything.
аватар Anetka-gan
alex45 they seem to want to deal with purchases.
anka1-05 listen to smart people. don't combine! or really weeks for 2. this is a lot of time and unnecessary waste!
in istanbul then you can go on a tour. but there is a maximum of 1-2 days and you FIG who will let you run around the market.
and you need to come to the sellers, review the goods, bargain. well, it’s not clear which supplier to order from which supplier to go to is also a risk.
аватар Anetka-gan
alex45 I agree, honeymoon should be like this: room-beach-restaurant-room! :) otherwise it's not haney moon!
аватар anka1-05
We plan to go for 2 weeks ... our tour operators really can’t advise how to be ... they say that you can stay in Kemer or in Antalya itself and take a walk there, see things ... but I don’t ask anyone, everyone says what you need to go to Istanbul ... although judging sensibly, the flight to Istanbul can cost more than the difference in price between the goods of Antalya and Istanbul ...
Regarding customs clearance: we thought to transport it through a transport company ... although, if we don’t buy a lot, then we’ll take it with us, we’ll pay at the airport ...
Thanks for the advice...))) I agree about the trip, that everything should be sweet, but smooth... that's just, there is one BUT! since we opened a store, we need to spin, spin, it’s good for us ... that’s why we have to sacrifice the most sugary moments ... (((But it’s okay, the main thing is that we will do it together ... we will get out)) )))
аватар Katyyy
anka, are you just starting to do business or are you going to Antalya for the first time? Otherwise, the difference should be obvious:
1. In resort towns, a variety of rubbish is sold in comparison with Istanbul.
2. This rubbish is several times more expensive
3. There is absolutely no choice
4. Don’t even dream about payback by saving on flights, unless, of course, you live in a downtrodden village where you can sell bought “fashion items” in Antalya for crazy money, which is absurd in itself.
5. Well, based on the previous points, even a week in Istanbul is not enough for you to really make worthy purchases, because you are completely disoriented.
So judge sensibly and make a decision.
Well, add to the Antalya extra charge also the cost of transshipment, which you will certainly have to pay, unless, of course, you are traveling with a bundle for two.
Have a nice holiday :)
аватар Anetka-gan
Well, then you have time. see flights from antalya with Onur Air
аватар alex45
It is stupidity to shop for sale in resort towns, especially when it comes to leather, etc. tell,
listen Katya, 100% right, first scroll to
carefree honeymoon trip, and then spin in the store. And from Antalya to Istanbul-Onur Air, but, Anetka, they are planning tours with the operator, as I understand it.
аватар Anetka-gan
well, they will go on a tour for 2 weeks, and from Antalya they will go to Istanbul.
There is also Turkish Airlines - but expensive. Maybe there are other airlines. I don't remember everything
аватар Katyyy
Why pay for a tour if you are deliberately going to cross out five days of commercials from it?
The only way out is to take matters into your own hands, that is
book tickets, hotels and plan the route yourself.
You can go first to Istanbul, send everything there by a transport company, and then go to Antalya and from there they will return home. Many of my friends do just that.
If you are afraid that you will not be able to cope on your own, any travel agency will help you with this for a small percentage.
аватар Anetka-gan
need to be calculated here. a good 4-5 * hotel for all inclusive will not be cheaper to book yourself. and since the couple is on their honeymoon, they will obviously need such a hotel.
if we consider a cheap hostel, then the option of an independent trip will do.
аватар Katyyy
I already think that people have an overabundance of information :))))
let them check different options
аватар Anetka-gan
well, they asked and we developed the idea =) as usual =)
аватар anka1-05
)))) I really read a lot of useful things from your advice! We really recently opened a store ... we work with various companies ... We have not yet been able to deliver goods from Turkey itself, so we decided to try ... it's scary, of course, when such uncertainty. ..
I was very worried about the assortment of goods in Antalya, because there is nothing worse when there is nothing to choose from! I wanted to work with Turkish suppliers on the Internet, but I didn’t find anything useful....
I liked the option on the account: First to Istanbul ... then to Antalya ... I think this is the most suitable option ...
It’s just that we don’t have anyone to consult with here ... and I’m very glad that you didn’t disregard my question and offer all possible options!))
аватар Anetka-gan
Well then, if finances allow, then fly to Istanbul first for 4-6 days, you can book a hotel on the Internet. for shopping, you choose in laleli and merter. be sure to see some sights (read my blog here on turpravda, my reports on istanbul), and then fly to Antalya to sunbathe. You can also book a hotel yourself.
in detail if you have any questions write to me in a personal. I'll throw off maps of shopping areas, links to hotels are in my reports. in general, I'll tell you what I know
аватар alex45
anetka!This is GOD!
аватар Anetka-gan
Sasha is about me or what? =))
аватар alex45
You're just smart! I'm Aleksey. Naturally, I made mistakes, because I'm in a hurry, I'm leaving for Kyiv, I quickly looked through the computer, I saw what you wrote, I think that this is the answer !!! I would give you any prize !!!
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