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Tell me, please, do Turkish citizens need a visa when entering Ukraine?
Rumor has it that the Turks canceled the visa to enter Ukraine
Translated automatically from Russian. View original
6 subscribers  • asked 2011-03-1314 years ago
Answers  •  11
аватар Alla__
As far as I know, but so far the visa has not been canceled ....
аватар simfortour
yes, you need a visa
аватар Anetka-gan
a visa is needed, a call from Ukraine is needed, etc.
аватар Zlata28
so far it's just a rumor
unfortunately (((((
аватар openja86
podskajite,pojalyista, kak delaetsya eto priglawenie? i kak dolgo oformlyaetsya viza?
аватар Anetka-gan
the invitation is made in the OVIR at the place of residence. You can urgently, you can standardly 30 days. I don't remember the price. on a visa - let your Ashkymka call the embassy and find out. does he need or do you? ))) He needs other documents besides the invitation.
аватар openja86
Mi jivem seichas v Ujnoi Amerike. ya-grajdanka Ukraini, moi myj Tyrcii. i sobiraemsya priexat v Ukraine letom. kak bit nam s vizoi dlya nego?mojem li mi polychit ety vizy v aeroporty, v Kieve?nyjno li nam priglawenie dlya nego s Ukraini?kak nam bit?podskajite,pojalyista(((((spasibo
аватар openja86
Spasibo Vam, Anetka, bolwoe. nam eto nyjno oboim)))))ya prosto xochy eto sdelat kak mojno bistree))))xochy na rodiny:)
аватар Anetka-gan
well, then everything is easier, contact the embassy of ukraine in your country. because he is a husband, then there must be other conditions
аватар Anetka-gan
they don’t make visas for Turkish citizens at the airport, it’s just that we can fly to Turkey, and they get normal visas to us through consulates.
аватар Ira_Silina
An invitation is not required for issuing visas of types C (service), B (business), H (scientific), C (cultural or sports exchange), P (private) for citizens of the member states of the European Union, Canada, USA, Turkey, Switzerland and Japan .
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