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Dear experts, and just those who know, a question for you! About the hotel guide.
Мне 26, высшее образование, свободно владею турецким (есть сертификат переводчика), легко обучаюсь. Хочу стать отельным гидом или гест-релейшн в регионе Анталья (желательно Кемер). Недавно я задавала подобный вопрос, но там было - как, где, когда и с чего начать. Посмотрела на сайте Теза - ничего. Отправила письмо с приложенным резюме на мейл офиса в Турции - ответа нет. На других сайтах - вакансии только для Египта (наверное, для Турции ещё рановато).
Но дело в том, что я ношу очки и у меня косит один глаз. Возьмут ли на отельного гида или гест-релейшн, или лучше даже не пытаться?
Translated automatically from Russian. View original
7 subscribers  • asked 2010-12-0814 years ago
Answers  •  17
аватар natatenechka
I'm not in the subject about how to become a guide, but about not trying - forget to even think! God has a lot of everything - be sure to try and succeed!
аватар Natalo4ka
I mean that people with strabismus may not be hired to work with people ... And about the operation - even if I do it, the eye will still squint, due to different visual acuity in both eyes.
аватар natatenechka
I realized that this is exactly what you meant ... But somehow I don’t believe that if there are undeniable advantages, such as fluency in a complex language at such a generally young age, there will be problems due to strabismus ... It's another matter if you have a complex on this score, and this is reflected in your behavior - i.e. if you are not sure, clamped, etc. - that's exactly what can cause problems
аватар Natalo4ka
No, I learned a long time ago not to complex because of this. And as for Turkish, many people speak it there: Kyrgyz, Meskhetian Turks, and so on ... But they often do not have a normal education. I think to take the mind, positivity and goodwill ...
аватар natatenechka
Oh smart girl! That's right!
аватар HotLine
This is not an answer to your question. I think it's definitely difficult to answer.
These are general considerations. Let's answer another question. Is it possible to fall in love with a person with external physical defects? And almost everyone knows the answer to this question - of course, you can. But the probability of love at first sight is almost zero. Those. some communication is needed, in which the physical handicap fades into the background. It does not disappear, it becomes non-defining.
Hence the methodology for finding a job. It is incredibly difficult for such people to find a job in which communication is the main element and no special qualifications are required. A guide is such a job. And with a fairly high level of competition. We have an overabundance of students and graduates of tourism faculties.
Whether it is necessary to you to reconsider a technique of an input in a subject. Get started in any position with any major operator in Turkey in your country.
In a couple of months you will understand what goal you need to pursue and how you need to go towards it.
аватар Anetka-gan
depends on the employer. I saw different guides and believe your little nuance is not the worst!!!
аватар Natalo4ka
The fact of the matter is that I want to work in Turkey. My friend works as a hotel guide in Egypt, we graduated from the same university, faculty and specialty (not tourism). She is complete. Very complete. But we are used to fullness, but with the eyes it’s more difficult ...
аватар Ulya56
SW. Natalia! I worked for 2 years in guests relations, went to work as a transfer guide, and ended up in the company's office! Send your CVs (in Russian, English and Turkish) not only to TEZ, but to other operators. Also post your resume on My friend got into guest relations by giving her resume at tourist exhibitions. In general, go for it, soon there will be a set for the next summer season!!!
аватар Natalo4ka
Is the above site Russian or Ukrainian? I'm from Ukraine.
аватар valeriya71
Dear Natalia, As far as I remember, there is a tourism department in Antalya. You need to find their emails, as well as the emails of the main offices of other operators in Turkey and send out a resume. As a last resort, if no one answers, in Kyiv in late March - early April there will be a tourist exhibition and forum, both Turks and hotel representatives will be present. And forget about the eyes. If you are charming and professional - no one will pay attention to it! Wish you luck!!!
аватар Natalo4ka
And then, if you know the language, isn't it easier to fill out the employment form on the hotel website yourself?
аватар valeriya71
Also right!
аватар Ulya56
Natalia, leave me your email (ICQ, MNS, Skype) please, I will personally write something to you!
аватар Natalo4ka
Thank you, when should it be done? The season in Turkey starts in April, if you fill out this form in March, it may be late, and in February it may be early...
аватар valeriya71
Start working now.
аватар Natalo4ka
But the hotels are closed... I'm not talking about those that are open now, you can't go there...
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