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Question for moms
For the first time I'm taking my granddaughter 3 years abroad. Please let me know what medicines to take for her. In general, the child is not sick.
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6 subscribers  • asked 2010-08-1115 years ago
Answers  •  6
Any tourist first of all needs to take medicines for
- stomach
- colds
- bandage, iodine, brilliant green ..
- headache pills for adults
аватар ogoiko
My son is 4 years old. On trips, I always take medicines to the maximum - everything that is at home. What you need to take necessarily: Nifuroxazide - a drug for the treatment of intestinal infections; from allergic reactions, for example, Claritin; antipyretic, the last time they took Nurofen. And, off topic of the first-aid kit, be sure to take sunscreen. Have a nice rest.
Nifuroxazide, noshpa, antipyretics, for allergies, some kind of antibiotic ointment, plaster, cotton wool.
аватар keshka29
Thanks for answers.
аватар 19062005
plus everything that is said above, take drops for the eyes, ears, nose. and don't forget the thermometer. last year, our child was poisoned in a hotel tavern (a restaurant does not raise a hand). so we were given a medicine such as nifuroxazide for FREE under insurance in the Kemer hospital.
in general, take everything you have, and God forbid that you do not need medicines! have a nice rest!
аватар Katyyy
This question has already been and the list of funds, in my opinion, is exhaustive))
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