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Hello! I'm interested in men! opinion about holidays in Turkey.
I'm 26, I'm going alone at the end of August, it's clear why ..) What hotel would you recommend?
Translated automatically from Russian. View original
10 subscribers  • asked 2010-08-0315 years ago
Answers  •  82
аватар Pachok
This "it is clear what" can not be found in Turkey. 90% of vacationers in the summer are families with children, the rest of the aunt prefer the Turks :)) You have a direct road to Thailand! :)
аватар abysfinks
A fairly cheap hotel should be taken. It would be nice to have a big, youth hotel. Preferably in the city (Alania, Kemer) or near the city. It is important that there are night discos nearby. Look, for example, PINEAPPLE 4* in Alanya...
аватар abysfinks
There is a lot of such "good" in cheap threes and fours from Russian regions. It would be a desire to collect dirt.
аватар anton27k
in short, it’s better to go to Tula with your samovar ... (((as I understand it ..
аватар Pachok
"Oasis" look again, quite youthful.
аватар anton27k
were there themselves or maybe friends ..?
аватар Pachok
Friends were in the Oasis with their "samovars" :)) They say fun and partying, the level of the hotel itself is not very good. Specifically, what is the attitude of fellow countrywomen in this hotel I can’t tell you. In general, in Turkish resorts - as I wrote - those girls who go for entertainment prefer Turks. Try to find fellow travelers (or fellow travelers), there are special sections on the forums.
аватар abysfinks
The attitude of fellow countrywomen who went to have fun to Russian men is approximately the following: if you are ready to engage in candy-banquet nonsense and at the same time not drink alcohol, then you will have respect and respect. If you drink alcohol according to the all-inclusive system, you will be a Russian pig. Girls need entertainment, not a half-hearted problem.
аватар Lena_Elena
abysfinks made me laugh. Although I think it is. A semi-sluggish problem is of no interest to anyone.
аватар Pachok
I join :)))) This is one of the reasons why ladies prefer Turks.
аватар OlegA71
Yes, it’s almost impossible to compete with the Turks there ... During the day, these countrywomen will be happy to communicate with you, talk all sorts of conversations, but at night they all go to the Turks ...
аватар anton27k
From all this, I concluded:
1. to go with a similar goal is 50% to 50% - how lucky ..
2. most likely it will be an oasis or a pineapple
3. you can get drunk on blue tomatoes and at home
4... but something extreme...??
аватар widoshw
There are women at home too. There are a lot of samovars in Turkey and they are already warmed up. You can "drink tea" everywhere. Everything is included everywhere
аватар HotLine
What Aesopian language! "It's clear why." "Samovars". "to blue tomatoes".
Everything is fine with these things. The gender composition of tourists is clearly in the direction of women - their percentage is 15% -20% more than men. There are no Turks for them. Well, Turks do not roam en masse around hotels in search of adventure. They sit in ambush in their shops and city discos. In addition, a fairly large percentage of women are afraid or do not like swarthy hairy men.
Although objectively - Turkey has long been a country of female sex tourism.
There are opportunities. Behave appropriately and everything will be fine.
аватар anton27k
And how are things in Kemer in terms of youth, what hotel would you recommend and are there the raisins that I'm looking for ...?)
I want to put in my 5 cents. Most likely, what you eat for 100% you will not. Maybe something random and break off. I explain: our women choose Turkey because the Turks are beyond competition in terms of beautiful courtship and deeds, which our men have already forgotten how to do. Our "yes-yes" - "no-no", and no one will open up for beautiful courtship. Naturally, ours drink shamelessly on vacation, and we are up to our throats in our homeland
Conclusion: dear Anton, you really choose the wrong country. In such competition, your chances are negligible. You really love Tai.
аватар HotLine
I wrote above that Turkey has indeed become a country of female sex tourism. It really is. But there is no need for illusions about "competition in matters of beautiful courtship."
Simple arithmetic. More than 6 million female tourists visit the Antalya coast every year. And about 2 million Turks live there (adults, children, old people, women, fat, bow-legged, unwashed, etc.). Therefore, I will not be much mistaken if I assume that for every well-groomed Turk there are up to 50 female tourists a year. Therefore, there are no illusions about the true essence of such relations. This is the concept of sex tourism.
аватар Pachok
It's not about substance, it's about form. They know how and love to "care" the way women like.
аватар HotLine
I'm not a hypocrite. I just don't like illusions and delusions.
I had to communicate with people who lived and worked in Turkey for a long time. And I myself have been there many times. Therefore, I think that I know quite well the mentality of the average Turk.
Do you think that Turkish men are by origin more attentive and courteous to women than Slavs? Do Thai women from birth like to engage in prostitution? Delusion.
Have you seen Turkish women? Can you imagine how they live in a family and how their husbands treat them? How do they get married? No, not bad. But their relationship is not at all the kind that fall under the terms of "beautiful courtship and deeds"
So there is no need for illusions. Demand creates supply. Beautiful courtship is an offer of sex services. They are Alphonse. This is not my personal opinion - this is a million statistics, which I wrote about above.
How would you feel about it if I start to argue that Thai women are much better than Slavic ones, because prostitutes in Thailand are so and so different, they can do this and that and behave this way and that way. But our cows, etc.
Just don't throw hats at me - I don't think so. I showed an example of false logic.
And there are exceptions.
аватар Pachok
"A beautiful courtship is an offer of sex." Of course. Did someone else write? This is not about lofty feelings and great love, but about the talent of the Turks to beautifully "sell" their services. And Thai prostitutes are really much better than Slavic ones. And not because of physiology or technology, but in terms of mentality - submissive, helpful, cheerful, grateful. They behave in such a way that a man feels like a king and a god. And this all applies to Turkish men serving tourists, they also behave in such a way as to please. Our men will never do this, simply because they are used to the fact that the women themselves hang on them in clusters and tear at each other for any, even the most overwhelmed, peasant :)))
But don’t talk about Turkish families :))) I have several Turkish families I know both in Kyiv and Antalya - our stereotypes about Muslim families are shattered when you see how their MEN are!
do the housework, HOW they rush about with their wives and HOW they are afraid to displease their wives.
Well, it's worth adding that the resort cazans and ordinary Turks are completely different people. They differ like Chukchi from blacks.
аватар HotLine
Those. You want to say that Turkish men rush about with their wives and are afraid to displease them. Who then takes care of the tourists who stand up for them on Internet sites?
Pachok, you are drawn to subjectivism again. The ability to care is not the talent of Turkish men. There is no such historical national quality. I explained this fact. There is a demand - there is an offer.
And I spoke about traditional families, of which 98%. And not about their personal acquaintances.
And there are peculiarities in Muslim families. And these are not stereotypes. A Turkish businessman I know is afraid to smoke in front of his father. And this is a typical attitude towards the head of the family, which is the eldest man.
аватар Pachok
I quite clearly explained who exactly "looks after" the tourists - resort cazans. You don't think that all Turkish men behave like this!
YOU can't talk about 98% of families simply because you don't know 98% of families. To retell other people's words and with big eyes to tell horror stories about terrible Muslims is a thankless task. This is just subjectivism.
Not smoking in front of your father and trying to be a good husband to your wife are NOT mutually exclusive.
"The ability to look after is not the talent of Turkish men. There is no such historical national quality" Tell this to thousands and thousands of Slavic tourists who in Turkey for the first time felt themselves women, and not battle-women and draft horses. Even if only for a few short days.
"There is a demand - there is an offer." This proposal came precisely from the Turks, our Vasyas need to sneeze!
HotLine, it's not constructive to argue with obvious things.
You just need to ask ANY of our compatriots who are interested in sex tourism, whom she would prefer - a Turk or a Russian.
аватар Lena_Elena
Oh, what an interesting discussion we had. It is impossible not to agree that in sex tourism there should be obedience and helpfulness of the courted party. The main thing is that anton27k draws the right conclusions :))
аватар HotLine
Pachok, I don't understand why you answer as if you are objecting to me. You repeated what I stated - this is sex tourism. As soon as I wrote - demand gave rise to supply. You think the opposite. Let's imagine it. Until 1975, there was not a single hotel and resort in its present form from Alanya to Kemer. There really was nothing. Antalya was a run-down, poor town with a population of about 100,000. According to your logic, Turkish inborn cazans with bouquets of flowers wandered around the deserted bays of the Antalya coast, who knew how to care for women, who had learned this in a traditional Muslim environment. This offer created a demand for their sex services. True, in order not to die of hunger, they grazed herds of sheep in parallel.
аватар HotLine
According to my logic, a process was begun to create a flow of tourists for a beach holiday. Single (and not so) women who want holiday romances began to encourage Turkish men to have sexual intercourse - there was a demand. And just as the shepherds began to build shops (after the arrival of tourists, after the emergence of the demand for trade), they began to learn how to satisfy the demand for sex services, i.e. live up to women's expectations. The most capable and motivated Turkish men created this myth of gallant Turkish men. Thus, a proposal appeared. And then the standard development cycle went - an increase in demand - an increase in supply - an increase in demand, etc. There are, however, objective prerequisites. Turkish men are physically more interesting, for example, Thais. But they are still inferior to the Cubans (not my opinion). By the way, Cuba is a typical example of what is primary.
Slowly gallant men are being transferred to Cuba without American tourists. And once it was the world's best country for female sex tourism.
аватар HotLine
I do not understand what you are arguing about the family issue. The fact that I do not know 98% of families? Or about the fact that nothing can be said about the process without knowing 98% of the manifestations of this process? Or do you dispute that 98% of Turkish families are traditional families? That most of them live according to Muslim traditions. Do you dispute that in the traditional Turkish family the cult of the man and especially the older man? Enshrined in both religious and legal norms. That Turkish women have serious restrictions on their freedom of decision-making and actions, even on domestic issues - what to wear, where to go, etc.? Turkish women have serious problems with higher education and work. What do you object to? Against the fact that most families are traditional? Or do you claim that in a traditional Turkish family such relationships, as you wrote, are men "afraid to displease their wives"?
When visiting hotels, I often come up to a stand with photographs of top managers of the hotel. I am interested in the availability of certain positions in the hotel. So, women's faces are rare there. This is in the tourist and hotel business, which in all developed countries has a female face.
аватар Pachok
HotLine, you entered this topic and began to "explain" (as you like to put it) completely obvious things. At the same time, to be offended by the assertion that the Turks know how to sell themselves better than the Russians, which is quite strange :)
"Do you dispute that in the traditional Turkish family the cult of the man and especially the older man?" Of course I dispute it. You write about what you have a stereotyped idea and does not correspond to reality.
аватар HotLine
Specially launched a search for the word "explain". For the first time in this thread, it is found in your answer.
I don't explain. I state my opinion with arguments.
And what's more, I'm not offended. "Offended", "explain". Some vague words. Remove them from your vocabulary.
Or is this your standard argument - we take any convenient premise and build conclusions that are pleasant for us. If you claim that I love to express myself so much, then give a link to my answer with this word. And we have already crossed paths here more than once in the answers.
Or write that you made a mistake.
Further - I have never compared the merits of Turkish
and Russian men. Therefore, I could not assert what you write about. I spoke about the essence and origin of Turkish sex tourism.
Therefore, write that you were mistaken in assigning me emotions about who sells better.
Tell me, what facts or whose opinion will be evidence for you in confirming that in a traditional Turkish family there is a cult of a man, and especially an older man? Is Ataturk right for you? Or quotes from the Koran? Or links from the world's major encyclopedias?
Or personal descriptions of the Turks? I am ready to give quotes.
аватар Pachok
Change the tone, HotLine. I will deal with my own vocabulary.
"" If you say that I love to express myself so much, then give a link to my answer with this word. And we have already crossed paths here more than once in the answers.
Yes, we crossed paths, but I'm not in the habit of saving these dialogues. Your nickname is very common, the search gives links to online stores and chats.
"For the first time in this thread, it occurs in your answer." For the first time in this thread, it occurs in YOUR answer. Oh, sorry, here you used the verb "Explain" :)))
"Tell me, what facts or whose opinion will be conclusive for you in confirming that ..."
Solely my personal opinion based on close contact with Turkish families and repeated annual visits to Turkey over the past 13 years.
аватар HotLine
Weird. You tried to make a remark to me on the lexicon, but you are not allowed to make a remark.
And we have the same love for the word "explain". Run a search and you will see (here, of course, and not in Google, where there are a lot of me).
I have already proved to you a couple of times on your personal examples that the position "Solely my personal opinion" can lead to mistakes. Mankind develops because it accepts and uses collective experience and knowledge. You have a very interesting personal experience. You are one of the highest rated experts on this site. Those. and visitors to this site do not want to be limited to personal opinions. Your opinion is also important to them.
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