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And what can you say about the Anex Tour? How reliable is this tour operator for you?
And what can you say about the Anex Tour? How reliable is this tour operator for you?
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14 subscribers  • asked 2010-07-2915 years ago
Answers  •  21
аватар aa5064ca
I can’t say anything good about the "Anex tour" ... I wrote about the bad in my review about Siedra Princesses in Alanya. Travel agencies even remade the name Anex in their own way, replacing the last two letters with "US".))))
аватар elenako
The operator is the same as everyone else - he sins with the transfer of flights. Not ideal, but not entirely a failure.
аватар HotLine
Answer the question - why are you interested in the reliability of this operator?
аватар Anetka-gan
when will people realize that the transfer of the flight has nothing to do with the tour operator???
Anex is not the most positive. mez, turtes is better.
аватар Yaroslavas
All these tour operators are the same
And although they say that customer satisfaction is their main goal, it still turns out that you often pay for inappropriate service and maintenance.
Postponement of the flight really has nothing to do with the tour operator.
Therefore, I recommend that you better find a good travel agency, they will communicate with the tour operator on your behalf, to help you choose a vacation spot. So I think a lot depends on the quality and efficiency of their work.
So carefully choose a travel agency, and unpleasant incidents happen to any operator at least an hour from time to time
аватар halyna05
Why be interested in this question? And because in the world of recent events, I think it interests everyone (I mean the story of karya). And now you may have to go through this tour operator. Therefore, you want to insure against unpleasant incidents, and choose a reliable tour operator who has force majeure, but not so often. And I know that there are travel agencies that terminated their contract with Anex tour this month.
аватар Pachok
Anex is even worse than the freshly deceased Karya.
And I completely disagree with Yaroslav :), sorry.
You need to choose just the operator! It does not depend on the agent which plane will be, which guides at the hotel, etc.
I like Turtesse and Tez Tour. Perhaps I would go with Pegasus. But I wouldn't even mess with Anex.
аватар nastya151283
We went in May with Anex. We arrived at the hotel normally, set a meeting time with the guide ... and saw him only after 3 days!!!!!! If we hadn’t used local agencies, then the rest would have been hopelessly ruined!
аватар HotLine
You never answered why ANEX? And not TEZ, Turtess, Pegasus, Coral.
I didn't just ask this question. It contains the answer to what ANEX is, why they travel with it and what to expect.
аватар halyna05
For hotline. Read more seriously. I answered your question.
аватар Aleksa.dp
A travel agent I knew told me that a couple of years ago, Anex had such sins as, for example, forgetting to meet tourists at the airport. But then they seemed to get better. Personally, I did not go with Anex.
аватар HotLine
We will analyze your answer -
"And because in the world of recent events, I think everyone is interested (I mean the story of karya). " - This is not the answer to the question of why you are going with Annex.
"And now you may have to go through this tour operator." - This is not the answer to the question of why you are going with Annex. Is someone forcing you?
"So I want to insure against unpleasant incidents, and choose a reliable tour operator who has force majeure, but not so often. " - This is also not the answer to why with the Annex.
"And I know that there are travel agencies that this month terminated the contract with Anex tour. " - And this is even more not the answer as to why with Annex.
Okay, let's not argue. I did not understand your answer. You think you answered. This concludes my attempt to explain the situation with the Annex to you.
Sorry for the lost hour. I will not bother you anymore.
аватар Sergey4467
I traveled with Aneh at the end of June. We were put on a plane, met, taken, settled. There were three
guide Aneh. We were there almost constantly, from morning to evening. Since I only needed me to rest, I did not contact the guides.
I will say more - our flight was delayed for two days. Within an hour and a half, my son and I were moved to another hotel, in my opinion even better than it was, and we still rested for two days at the expense of Aneh. There were no problems with the departure.
аватар Zlata28
once went with Anex
basically everything is like everyone else
met, taken, guide at the hotel
no quirks or complaints
I didn’t see the difference with Teza and Turtes
just Tezy is more convenient for us
(But we will never deal with Coral again)
аватар koroshchenko
Anex is a bad operator, six months ago they had an attempt to merge with Kariya. I wouldn't be surprised if they have common founders. Like Kariya, he often sins in the timeliness of hotel reservations. People pay for one hotel, upon arrival Anex declares that there are no free rooms in the hotel and for a couple, three days they check in people in a worse hotel. I think that's how they make money.
аватар jabetta
I do not quite understand the reasoning on the topic "the tour operator is not related to the transfer of flights." Then why does this happen regularly with the same operators? I personally got the impression that this is a conspiracy and thus the operator saves - some were brought later, others were taken away earlier, and that day was stolen. Who knows, explain.
аватар Yaroslavas
Agree worse than Coral no tour operator
We were treated very badly by this company.
So they could not settle us in a hotel for which money was paid
And then, during the proceedings, after returning, they began to lie that we ourselves refused to live in the hotel
Dishonest people
аватар Pachok
"The operator saves - some were brought later, others were taken away earlier, so the day was stolen. Who knows, explain."
There is no savings for the operator - the hotel counts the day by the number of nights, this is a worldwide practice. Yes, and the number of NIGHTS is also indicated in the contract with the tourist.
аватар aa5064ca
No one will tell us how the hotel or operator thinks))) and how Anex saves can be seen even from guides))) and hotels.
аватар _Ivi_
In April of this year I flew with Anex in Mirsida Tropic Side (now closed). Since, in principle, I don’t need anything from the tour operator and everything was fine at the hotel at that time, we didn’t intersect. Upon arrival, I began to read reviews about this hotel and they got worse and worse, and it became weirder and weirder for me that the hotel had deteriorated so quickly, so I was interested in the situation and I kept track of it. Recently I was in this area and learned from local acquaintances that on June 1, the tenant of the hotel changed, the new tenant did not pay salaries to the staff, did not pay for the communal apartment, and eventually ran away with the money. All this time there were Aneks guides in the hotel, who apparently were not aware of the situation (is it possible?) and the hotel was successfully sold on the Russian market.
As a result, the resettlement of Anex tourists from the hotel took place only a week or two after the tenant was no longer there, and the unpaid staff fed the tourists with what they had left. The information, of course, is not first-hand, but I heard the same thing from completely different people, communicating with both tourists and staff. The cost is the main trump card of Anex, if you don’t need anything from them, then in principle you can fly.
аватар jabetta
So the fact of the matter is that you need to fly from them and get there, and with this they just have problems. And there is a lot of information about this even on this site. is one example.
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