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What hotels go to rest swingers in Turkey?
Dear critics, I don't ask: Who are swingers? I asked: What places or hotels do people go to with such interests?
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8 subscribers  • asked 2010-07-0615 years ago
Answers  •  11
аватар Pachok
Listen, yes you zadolbali! There are no such hotels in Turkey. From the fact that you ask your question ten more times, they will not appear there. Ask your like-minded people in which countries and hotels they go to rest.
аватар alkor_
to Pachok, Bravo for the answer!
аватар Anetka-gan
Isn't it easier to go to a specialized forum and ask there?
Turkey is a Muslim country, you would have trampled in Ramadan and yelled in the streets that you are swingers.
аватар Lena_Elena
That's right, I support all the respondents. If you are a swinger, then you probably need to go to Europe, well, to Germany, I think. It is possible to Holland, but no matter how to Turkey. You can go to the police for that. Read about the country and its laws, regulations, and luche culture. Then you will ask questions.
аватар SanSussie
The country is Muslim, but this does not prevent Turks-pimps from keeping Slavic girls in slavery and, under pain of death, forcing them to engage in prostitution. Compared to that, swinging is an innocent fad.
аватар Lena_Elena
A quirk is not a quirk, but if no one answers here, you need to go to a specialized forum. Let's talk more about what Muslims do wrong. I wish you good luck in your search for soul mates.
аватар StelliK
You can in Orange County - a hotel of free morals. Here and Holland - the territory of the hotel by the type of Amsterdam and Europe - vacationers. You won't find anything more specific...
аватар Pachok
Nothing like this has been seen in Orange County. The usual entertainment of youth, no deviations.
аватар Anetka-gan
no need to talk about prostitution - you have not seen our prostitutes there, it's a mafia! there is a whole area in istanbul where they are and God forbid to get there. they are free and on their own mind. and no one forces them, judging by their satisfied faces.
аватар StelliK
European youth rest there and the city is made like Amsterdam. I think there are deviations...
аватар Zlata28
interesting, sk. once again TS will ask this question :)))))))
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