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about the passport
please tell me, I heard a new law in Russia that a child needs a separate passport, and I am from Ukraine, my daughter is inscribed in my passport, can I go like this?
Translated automatically from Russian. View original
4 subscribers  • asked 2010-05-1515 years ago
Answers  •  6
аватар 7434776
Of course you can, I arrived from Turkey on May 11, the child is inscribed in my passport.
аватар kiara87
Thank you
аватар HotLine
Nothing has changed in Ukraine. Passports are issued from the age of 18. Children up to 18 years of age travel on a children's travel card or according to an entry in the parent's passport. From the age of 5, a photograph must be pasted.
Changes in Russia are connected with the fact that so-called biometric passports are issued there. It is impossible to enter anyone in them - the meaning of biometrics is lost. A modern approach, but it has side effects. Passports are needed even for babies. Imagine a passport with a photo, for example, 2 months old and then the child travels on it for 5 years.
аватар Anetka-gan
You yourself said that you are from Ukraine. what does Russia have to do with it? We do not have such a law, so feel free to go!
аватар narat91
We returned from Turkey on May 6: Two children aged 3 and 11 were entered in my passport, there was no photo for the youngest yet, a 17-year-old daughter was issued a children's travel document, because in the passport of children write off those who are under 16.
аватар kiara87
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