У меня 2 биом. паспорта. По одному паспорту пробыл в ЕС около 70-ти дней. Въехал по второму, немного запутался в днях и пробыл на пару дней больше. Увидит ли система что я пробыл больше 90 дней?
I have 2 biomes. passports. I stayed in the EU for about 70 days using one passport. I entered on the second route, got a little confused about the days and stayed a couple of days longer. Will the system see that I have stayed more than 90 days?
I have 2 biomes. passports. I stayed in the EU for about 70 days using one passport. I entered on the second route, got a little confused about the days and stayed a couple of days longer. Will the system see that I have stayed more than 90 days?
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2024-02-201 year ago