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please advise whether it is worth taking a child 1.10 months with you
there is an opportunity to leave with grandmothers, but I don’t know how I myself can do without my crumbs, the pediatrician is against
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10 subscribers  • asked 2010-04-2915 years ago
Answers  •  12
аватар ogoiko
We traveled with a child 1 year 11 months. to Turkey - they chose a hotel designed for holidays with such small children. We had a wonderful rest, we took our grandmother to help. It is very important why your pediatrician is against, if there are no serious reasons and this is only reinsurance and a warning about possible acclimatization, then I see no reason not to take the child. I also had no idea how I could leave my baby (despite the fact that the child is small, it will be a big stress for him to be left without you). My son endured the flight (2 hours) absolutely normally, to combat the laying of the ears (during takeoff and landing), they gave him a drink. To see how my son would react to the plane (I didn’t want surprises on the day of departure) and to get to know the flying machine better, we went on an excursion to the Aviation Museum (of course, I understand that not everywhere there is such an opportunity).
The important point is to choose a hotel where you will feel no worse than at home (it's good that this is not a problem in Turkey). At Turpravda, they discussed a lot of times what to take with you when you have a trip with a baby, if you decide to go, read it. Only parents can decide whether to take a child with them or not, but I am for a joint vacation.
аватар Oksana33
I think that you will not heal the child, and you yourself will not rest. Turn on common sense, nothing will happen to the baby in 7-14 days, surrounded by loving grandparents, and it’s probably time for you to relax. Note that besides you, other people will come to the hotel to rest (!), if a crying baby annoys others, then you probably will not have time to rest. But from the age of three, just right, both you and the child will be interested
аватар Olenka-Olenka
Kamilla25, my son is now 1 year 6 months old, so I dared to give you advice. Your baby will feel comfortable only next to you, and your truly maternal heart will not rest in separation. Enjoy communication with your baby, give him every free minute, love him and he will reciprocate. We ourselves will fly to Croatia in June (of course with a baby), our pediatrician (we are observed in Medicom) FOR Croatia and are also not enthusiastic about Turkey, although my husband’s partners built a new hotel in Tekirova Ali Bey Premier and invite us to relax there. And Oksana33’s opinion is not entirely correct, maybe we shouldn’t go to the store with the kids, and we shouldn’t take them out into the street, because they yell, and there are other people around (! :)))))) Oksana was probably born immediately as an adult :)))))))
аватар Oksana33
Well, why attack right away, I also have a child, and he went to the sea for the first time just a year and a half, but he was calm at home, on vacation he was rather capricious, although the pediatrician also did not advise me to go with him, but MOM I know what my child needs, so my son had to be entertained by the whole team (I don’t think that the people who rested with me were delighted with this), but I was uncomfortable in front of them, while I was in full ammunition: a pot, diapers, cereals, etc. .d. From what I experienced, I concluded that your child is your child, and not an annoying factor for other vacationers who planned to RELAX, although no one made a single complaint to me. After, until 7 years old, we rested in the Crimea and only in rented housing .Well, now we visit Turkey every year, because now it is very interesting and understandable for my son
аватар Marina530
I’m almost in the status of a grandmother, I wouldn’t let my grandson (or granddaughter) go to Turkey at that age, for a child at this time the most important thing is the regime, the familiar climate, he won’t appreciate any Turkey and instead of strengthening health, the small organism will get stress. Imagine yourself - bags, waiting at the airport (and if the flight is delayed?) And a child in your arms. Yes, and your rest is doubtful, but what if the temperature of the child or the tummy hurts? And of course, we must also take into account the fact that this will annoy others (and therefore you will be offended by angry looks, remarks) and they can be understood. People are flying to rest, keep in mind many are decently drunk - and you and your baby, this is not the best environment for a child. Evaluate everything not from the point of view of "can I survive without crumbs", but from the point of view of "do not harm your baby." In any case, have a good holiday!
аватар Lena_Elena
If I were kamilla25, I would leave the baby at home, because you really need to think first of all about how not to harm him. Doctors, if you look even at Crimea, with its climate, do not advise up to 3 years. Yes, and you need to go for at least 1 month, all for the same acclimatization. It only seems to us that in fact nothing is happening, and there is no change in the child's condition. I know from my own experience, I already have an adult girl and with her, just after arriving home, about a month later, either a rash or a runny nose appears unexpectedly, would you say a coincidence? Maybe. And I can’t imagine a flight at all, for such a small one. After all, the baby will not explain to you when his ears are blocked and when not. Vodichka is certainly good, but personally it does not help me. And once I normally endure the flight, and the other, I don’t know for what reasons, it’s terrible. The last time, I thought I would tear my head, I walked with blocked ears for two days. So it's up to you.
Weigh the pros and cons. And boredom for a child is not such an important factor as to neglect his health.
аватар Anetka-gan
I know from my own experience that a baby can endure acclimatization in different ways. our even on the Black Sea was very bad, we had to return home. it's good that there is a car and the opportunity to break home. What if this happened in a foreign country? you decide. this is your child, and his health.
аватар mow26
Good afternoon. I went with my grandmother and daughter 1.6 years old, and then also at 2.6 years old to Turkey. This year I'm going with my friends. Ride boldly! For a child in the sea air, only pluses! (unless, of course, you yourself do not live on the coast ...). Cons: there may be problems with nutrition, children mostly do not eat their puree soups, and the rest is all exotic, unusual. My ate fruits, vegetables, juices, eggs. Yes, from the heat you don’t feel like eating, despite the abundance ... Pros. If you choose a hotel with an amusement park, the child will be happy! We were in Turan Prince 5 stars, Side, there is a small amusement park, and sand!!! My daughter is already 3.3 g, and she regularly looks at her pictures there, and asks for more! But I also think that from time to time parents need to relax together!!! So it is better to alternate rest! And one more thing: be sure to take a first-aid kit for yourself and for your baby! Good luck!
аватар Zlata28
every time on vacation in Egypt-Turkeys
we see children of this age and even less
it all depends on the child, how he tolerates acclimatization
you decide
if you are not afraid of what you need to bring with you
piles of food, toys, diapers, etc.
and your child normally tolerates acclimatization
then you can try
аватар Barsi
kamilla25 I read letters from mothers, almost all grandmothers have different ways to go, not to go?!!!
Baby, go with your husband, relax, gain strength (although you are unlikely to gain them in 10 days) and return to the baby that grandparents will cherish!!!
I assure you that the baby will be better at home, many times I have been to different resorts of great happiness with mothers and children. I will not go far in March in Egypt, I watched our mothers (and mothers of compatriots living there, they come to the beach with tiny babies for only 1 hour in the shade and leave) our children are fried, smeared with everything they can and can’t be crumbs). And last year, a mother flew from Vladivostok (apparently not thinking about anything) with a baby 1.9 with me from Moscow to Antalya and back I returned together, I was rested, and she was tortured, because all the time the baby had a tummy ache. THIS IS A REST!!!!
And why is it so critical to go right now? Maybe it's better to wait another year and a half? In the meantime, relax in a different way in the usual climate, choosing 2 warm weeks of our summer? Turkey will not run away from you! Flights and all sorts of "surprises" are not the best for you and the baby. Turn on wisdom and logic. Good luck.
аватар tata57
I, too (as a grandmother of a 3.9-year-old granddaughter) really want to help you. I will share my own experience. We went to Kemer when the baby was a year old, that is, in July 2007. sorry) Sis in the mouth and no problems. On the spot, a week later, red spots appeared on the body, but not bites. We were VERY worried! Something was done and, fortunately, everything worked out. a week-long vacation in paradise. And at the moment too. Think positively and everything will be HO-RO-SHO!
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