Брат из лнр, в загран. печать вылета из Ростова. Это незаконное пересечение? Хочу взять его в Турцию из Одессы. Id карта без прописки, только справка из едр, прописки нет. Как лететь?
Brother from the LPR, in foreign countries. stamp of departure from Rostov. Is this an illegal crossing? I want to take it to Turkey from Odessa. Id card without registration, only a certificate from the unit, no registration. How to fly?
Brother from the LPR, in foreign countries. stamp of departure from Rostov. Is this an illegal crossing? I want to take it to Turkey from Odessa. Id card without registration, only a certificate from the unit, no registration. How to fly?
9 subscribers •
2021-05-264 years ago