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Is there a purchase tour to Turkey, there is a desire to change the hotel, and the hotel of the same network, is there any surcharge for such actions?
Is there a purchase tour to Turkey, there is a desire to change the hotel, and the hotel of the same network, is there any surcharge for such actions?
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9 subscribers  • asked 2021-04-144 years ago
Answers  •  17
аватар Andrey111
See if the agreement on the provision of tourist services is provided in this way. If not - try to negotiate with a travel agent.
But, I understand that the funds have already been transferred to the hotel. Then most likely not.
аватар Andrey111
And if the hotels are the same chain, you can try to negotiate.
аватар vezha2
You can try to negotiate if you only made the payment for the reservation, but if paid in full - I'm afraid nothing will happen
аватар Veronika7081
I think you can change, but with a surcharge, if the desired hotel is higher in price than the booked. Contact the travel agent from whom you purchased the tour.
аватар rostislav_g
In the end, the operator wanted to cancel the tour with fines of UAH 1,000. for each tourist and then a new reservation at the price of another hotel online, then there is a mess, we are talking about Queens Park Tekirova in Queens Park Goynuk
аватар Veronika7081
rostislav_g. Do you want to replace Queens Park Goynuk with Queens Park Tekirova?
аватар rostislav_g
Yes, the purchase was Goynuk, I wanted to exchange Tkirov
аватар Veronika7081
rostislav_g, to be honest, Queens Paru Tekirova is always more expensive than Queens Park Goynuk and Queens Paru Le Jardin (Kirish). But a fine is, of course, an unpleasant thing.
аватар rostislav_g
Veronika7081 I know just when I booked the tour 5 days ago the difference was 6500 between them, and this morning it was 1500 between them from and decided to change with a surcharge, but stuck a fine for it
аватар Elenka08
Well, 2500 as a result of the norms difference for them
аватар rostislav_g
Elenka08 the difference is 4500 with a fine, if the price of the issue was 2500 it would change
аватар Senta
Now these hotels do not belong to the same chain
аватар Elenka08
rostislav_g, Well, 4500 is another story ((
аватар Senta
today on the site from 02.06.2021 saw a cheaper price for Queens Park Tekirova than for Queens Park Goynuk for 9 nights, departure from Kharkov
аватар Senta
the difference is 6000, the most surprising, but you can quickly change if the dates are right
аватар rostislav_g
I changed today with penalties for Tekirov, but in general the price still turned out better than it was before the cancellation of flights by katsaps
аватар Andrey111
You see, all issues are solved.
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