Посоветуйте отель недорогой! Семья: двое взрослых и двое детей - один 4 года, второй 1 год. Главное - близость моря, питание. От 10 дней. Бюджет - 1300-1500$/€
Recommend a cheap hotel! Family: two adults and two children - one 4 years old, the other 1 year old. The main thing is the proximity of the sea, food. From 10 days. Budget - 1300-1500$/€
Recommend a cheap hotel! Family: two adults and two children - one 4 years old, the other 1 year old. The main thing is the proximity of the sea, food. From 10 days. Budget - 1300-1500$/€
5 subscribers •
2020-07-065 years ago