Question about hotel Marmaris Park Hotel 5*

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Smoking hookah in the room
In connection with the entry into force of the anti-tobacco law, it is forbidden to smoke hookah in public places, that is, cafes, restaurants.
My question is, can you smoke hookah in your room?
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7 subscribers  • asked 2013-06-2912 years ago
Answers  •  9
аватар alex45
In fact, it is not customary in hotels to smoke in rooms, and hardly anyone will allow you to make a hookah from the balcony!
аватар sandra-art
and I'm thinking on the balcony you can. if ordinary cigarettes are possible, then I think the hookah is not a problem.
in Egypt (I know that there are hookahs on every corner) it was allowed to smoke a hookah on the balcony.
аватар Pachok
Would kill for smoking in the rooms.
аватар alex45
Means. you need to look, the rules of the internal regulations in the hotel.
аватар alex1702
I don’t smoke myself, and I don’t like it when people smoke nearby, although I smoked for about 20 years. Dropped it, same to you.
аватар sigur62
A normal person, not cattle and not a redneck, will not smoke in the room.
In any room. And separate smoking rooms in a hotel are like separate pee lanes in a swimming pool.
аватар Pachok
Well said! I liked your comparison, sigur62.
аватар sigur62
Thanks, but it's not mine
I read it somewhere on social networks, and I remember it.
аватар Iryna41
Most hotels in Turkey prohibit smoking in rooms. Although this does not apply to balconies. Yes, both redneck and bestiality are difficult to eradicate a priori. Therefore, there are those who smoke, despite the prohibitions. As for hookahs, in all cafes and bars (which outdoors) anyway in Marmaris, you can smoke hookah
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