Question about hotel Emre Hotels & Beach 4*

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How to get there?
I live in Estonia, we do not have vouchers for this resort. I was in Marmaris in 2007, I want to go there again. I have Russian citizenship, my husband does not have citizenship. Could you answer something about this?
Translated automatically from Russian. View original
5 subscribers  • asked 2012-05-3112 years ago
Answers  •  10
аватар Anetka-gan
Does your husband have no nationality? Do you have a passport of some state? unclear
as far as I know, if there is no passport, they will not let him out of the country.
you can organize the tour yourself. or find an agency in Kiev or Moscow through the Internet, which will agree to draw up documents for you, you can send money. well, the flight will be from Moscow-Kyiv (or another city as agreed)
аватар rovenskie
We live in Estonia, of course, he has a passport, he simply does not have citizenship. Therefore, if we go through Russia, we do not need visas. In 2007 I was in Marmaris, I was impressed for a long time. I wanted to get back to the same resort, but in Tallinn for some reason we don’t have vouchers there. I'm scared of savages.
You probably need to either through St. Petersburg, or Latvia, or maybe even Finland. I don’t know where to look ... Although I haven’t really looked yet.
аватар Anetka-gan
then your confusion is not actually clear.
no matter where you come from, visas are determined by citizenship, not place of residence. if you are a Russian citizen, you don't need a visa
аватар janita123
We always fly there from Moscow. We choose a hotel on the website of travel agencies, look at the price and book online.
аватар Sirena_S
Why don't you book a hotel through and buy plane tickets?
аватар Anetka-gan
it will be cheaper in the package than through booking
аватар Sirena_S
Well, offer me this package, I will use it with pleasure :)))
аватар Anetka-gan
I can offer a message, to TO sites
аватар Sirena_S
those. do you want to send me? so send :))))
аватар Anetka-gan go there and look for tours there
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