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How many cigarettes can you take with you
Tell me how many cigarettes, alcohol per person can I take with me? And how much does a visa to Turkey cost for citizens from Russia now?
Translated automatically from Russian. View original
4 subscribers  • asked 2009-07-0916 years ago
Answers  •  4
аватар abysfinks
Look at the websites of the Russian customs. A lot has changed since July 1st. There used to be 200 cigarettes and 2 liters of alcohol. Now the attitude towards the 2nd entry into Russia has changed within a month. Upon re-crossing, ALL purchased goods are subject to customs taxation. Already encountered this situation with the perfume bought in Paris on July 5th, 2009.
аватар Zlata28
for the Russians - do not know ..
for Ukrainians visa 30 c.u.
You can carry 1 liter of alcohol and a block of cigarettes
per person
аватар abysfinks
For Russians visa $20
An individual over the age of 17 can import / export at a time without paying customs duties and taxes only 2 liters of alcoholic beverages (from 21 years old), no more than 250 g of sturgeon caviar in original packaging and tobacco products (cigars - up to 50 pcs., cigarillos - up to 100 pcs., cigarettes up to 200 pcs., tobacco - 0.25 kg. In case of importing tobacco products of only one type, it is allowed to import 100 cigars, 200 cigarillos, 400 cigarettes and 0.5 kg of tobacco. Import / export of these goods limited by Russian law.
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