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Related question «Travel agencies and operators»
Which travel agency is the least expensive?
Tell me, please, where in Kyiv there is an inexpensive travel agency. I would like to go to Kemer, the choice was made on 4 * hotels: Anatolia, Ambiente, Astoria
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6 subscribers  • asked 2009-06-0616 years ago
Answers  •  9
аватар Mariya25
Obviously you do not quite understand what a travel agency is.
There are travel operators that raise charter flights, negotiate with partners, conclude agreements with hotels, etc. ... that is, they constitute a tourist product.
And there are travel agencies, they buy a ready-made tour from the operator and sell it to you.
So there are a million agencies in Kyiv, and about 5-10 operators in Turkey
All agencies take tours from the same base, that is, the prices for ALL agencies are initially the SAME.
The only difference is who will give you what discount on the tour (usually it is from 3 to 7%)
Therefore, the cost of a tour in one agency is higher, and lower in another. Discounts.
аватар HotLine
Let's continue. This means that prices for the same tour in different travel agencies differ within 5%. Those. don't try to find a "miracle". It is impossible.
аватар belaz
I totally agree that there is no need to look for a miracle! BUT ... I will give you a very important piece of advice. If once you liked some agency (in terms of service culture, clarity of document delivery, reliability, etc.), then ALWAYS take tours from them. In this case, you come to them as home. They know you, value you as a regular customer. They will always tell you: "I will give you the maximum discount" (and they will do it. They will never sell you a ticket to an unverified hotel, because they collect reviews from people they trust who have rested on their tours. They themselves do not work with unreliable operators. You hear on TV that there are cases when they were brought into the country and left. Do you need it? I usually, when I come to my agency, I say: "I want this and that" And they are diligent and interested they choose AS FOR THEMSELVES, because they know, when I return, I will come to them and tell them what was good and what was bad in my vacation organized by them.
And when I return, I will DEFINITELY go to them, because. they need information from a real person, not from a glossy catalogue. In general, as you to them, so they to you. I personally consider the travel agency my friends and I always feel comfortable on vacation, because. I get not a pig in a poke, but what I want.
аватар Pachok
And of the operators, the most humane in terms of prices at the moment is Coral Travel. Turtes has some hotels at an interesting price. The most expensive is the Tez tour, the most overlays and Carya. So take your pick :)
аватар Amir1
to belaz, it is a pity that there are few such clients, at least in our region. But what you wrote is really true. But there is one thing: you sit, as you say, choose a tour as for yourself, try to find the best possible hotel at the price that the client invests in, voice it to him, and then the following happens. He calls another agency and they tell him that you can go for less money and to a much better hotel. And they sell Washington Beach instead of Fantasia for the same price. A client who has never been to Turkey cannot compare 2 so many different hotels, but he is persistently told that Washington is better. In the end, he calls our agency incompetent and goes to Washington. Upon arrival, he tells everyone how great he had a rest and how bad our agency was, who wanted to sell him a worse hotel (Fantasy) for a big price. He did not see Fantasy, but for the first time in Washington, paradise.
And because of our honesty, we lost a client and earnings. His friends and acquaintances are also unlikely to ever visit us. So the clients are different and the approach to them is different. Sometimes the client just wants to be deceived. I don't understand it, but it's there and almost always.
аватар belaz
Amir1, well, what can I say to you, how to sympathize? Business is business, I do it myself, I work with Korean companies, they have a credo "Don't lose face!" Therefore, to sell to the client that "on you, God, that we are not good" is a sin. It’s even worse to leave him in Turkey, where, like Chapaev: “I don’t know languages!”, And the staff pretends that they don’t squirt in Russian! And the client, he is the client, is "Oh, it's not difficult to fool me, I'm glad to be deceived myself." Therefore, I will go to the Viking Nona Beach Hotel **** (Kemer) for the second time in a row Rumble there in 5 minutes walk (free discos, shops and restaurants, a lovely town) And in our hotel once a week an amazing Turkish night with belly dancing, live music, with incendiary folk dances of men working in our hotel, with dances of all nationalities currently living in the hotel.
The inhabitants of neighboring hotels come running to us this evening to look at this miracle. WE are all intelligent, we live, practically, on the beach, mostly foreigners (Vikings), but the staff tries very hard to speak Russian as well. And I try to "knit three words in Turkish" Everyone is pleased.
аватар Pachok
Amir, I'm sorry, but your comment is from the "how difficult it is to live" series. Washington is much cheaper than Fantasia, which suggests that you misjudged the level of costs that the client is willing to bear. And they wanted to sell him a hotel at a higher price in order to get more agency fees, didn't they? Very often there is such a situation - a client calls the agency, he wants, he says, to spend 1500 USD. for a trip to Turkey for two weeks. To begin with, the agent begins to scare him with all sorts of Selchukkhans and auras, then it starts, - "this is a normal hotel, but a little more expensive - 2500!" Advice to tourists - look for the hotel yourself according to reviews, look for the best prices yourself on the websites of operators, and to the agency - only knock out the maximum discount.
аватар amir_amira
to Pachok my comment is from the series "what stupid customers are" or "I'm naive, I'm gullible, I'm easy to deceive" from the cartoon. I said "you try to find the best possible hotel at the price in which the client is invested." Read comments carefully.
And you can find a price cheaper than any offer and say that it is better. Only a smart client will not fall for this, and a conscientious agency will not say this.
аватар amir_amira
and the difference in price was just small, 280 USD. for two.
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