Пожалуйста, посоветуйте отель в Турции, Кемер, 3-4 звезды, бюджетно – порядка 600 дол. на двоих, чтобы не ужас-ужас, и пляж нормальный. А то читаю отзывы и не пойму
Please advise a hotel in Turkey, Kemer, 3-4 stars, budget - about 600 dollars. for two, so as not to horror-horror, and the beach is normal. And then I read the reviews and I do not understand
Please advise a hotel in Turkey, Kemer, 3-4 stars, budget - about 600 dollars. for two, so as not to horror-horror, and the beach is normal. And then I read the reviews and I do not understand
10 subscribers •
2016-08-239 years ago