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How to get from Antalya airport to Kemer by dolmush?
Tired of transfers and taxis :)
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8 subscribers  • asked 2014-04-1811 years ago
Answers  •  15
аватар Alexandr-
What about luggage??? Also in dolmus??
I don’t know directly from the airport, but from Antalya, catch a minibus that goes to Kemer and eat)))
аватар dfad1ripe
It is unlikely that a dolmus driver will refuse to pay extra for luggage. :)
аватар 2travel
You can get to Kemer from Antalya Airport by bus and taxi. You will need to take a bus to the bus station in Antalya (Kazim Ozalp Cad). At the bus station you need to find a bus to Kemer. There are 2 types of buses to Kemer, regular buses with all stops and express buses. The distance from Antalya to Kemer is about 20 km, travel time is about 30 minutes.
аватар 4Molly
I usually have luggage on the way back, when I'm driving from Kemer :))) I didn't even take a taxi from Antalya to Kemer in 30 minutes, but thanks for the answer. I know how to get from Otogar to Kemer, but how to get from the airport to Otogar? Does the dolmus leave the airport or do you have to go to the highway?
аватар Pachok
They wrote you correctly - there is a bus from the airport to the bus station (otogar). You don’t need to go out onto the highway, the bus stops near the terminal, not far from the taxi location. Be prepared that most of those whom you ask about this bus there will tell you that this does not exist :))) So, it's better to know in advance where it stops.
What terminal do you have?
I traveled like this a couple of years ago, but lightly - I saw my aunt on the plane and returned to the hotel.
аватар TINAEkb
The distance from Antalya to Kemer is about 20 km, travel time is about 30 minutes.
2travel, from Antalya to Kemer at least forty kilometers.
аватар Olgaolga153
We rode on a dolmus with things, moving from Oludeniz to Fethiye. We put the suitcases in front, (there is enough space for luggage or strollers). Nobody demanded additional payment.
аватар helena_fortuna
Bus № 600 airport - otogar.
Cons - rarely walks. It takes a long time.
Plus - the price.
I do not remember at which terminal-stop. But the fact that he does not call at another terminal is for sure. So - if you are told that 600 buses do not stop here - it may be true.
аватар helena_fortuna
The distance between the terminals is approximately 2 km.
аватар Pachok
He's in the second terminal.
аватар Alexandr-
So someone will finally explain WHY such a trip on dlomush buses with a transfer is more convenient than a transfer and is a taxi much cheaper ???
I don't see any benefit.
аватар Pachok
Alexander, you don't need it, don't worry.
аватар 4Molly
6thanks! the task has been simplified a bit: I have a transfer to Mirada del Mar, but I have an evening flight back, so I will do everything in the reverse order (kemer - otogar antalya - airport)
аватар Pachok
Here, be careful! I had a case: there was an inscription "Antalia otogar" on the windshield of the minibus, when they sat down, I asked again "otogar"? The driver said "evet" (yes). All passengers, except us, got off near Migros at the entrance to Antalya, we drove on. I was talking with a companion, and at some point the driver heard the word “airport” (or “khavalimani”, I won’t say for sure) in our dialogue, but he immediately got extremely excited and began to literally force us to drop out of the minibus, pointing his finger at Taxi. In response to my statements that we needed to go to the otogar, which was what the inscription on the minibus was about, he tore off the sign from the windshield and said that he would not go further. I had to go out and take a taxi to the airport.
By the way, minibuses run late, but buses from the bus station do not.
аватар 4Molly
thanks for the warning! any taxi from this migros is cheaper than from Kemer. I don’t want to wait at the hotel from 12 to the evening for a transfer, it’s better to walk around Antalya for 3-4 hours, and then I’ll calmly go to the airport.
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