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About sharks
Friends, we are flying soon for a two-week vacation with small children (4 and 6 years old). I read about snakes that they meet, about dangerous brown spiders too. About biting jellyfish. And I read about sharks, they write a lot of them. And what swim straight to the shores? how to swim with children did anyone meet them there?
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16 subscribers  • asked 2013-08-1512 years ago
Answers  •  68
аватар jabetta
Naturally, sharks live in the Mediterranean Sea, but being bitten in Kemer is one chance in a million.
аватар Alexandr-
For the second day in a row, we are getting to know Turkey from a parallel universe! Yesterday we learned that there are few Russian-speaking tourists, and today, that the coastal waters of Kemer are teeming with sharks))))
Don't read any nonsense. Do not be afraid of any sharks while relaxing in Kemer)))
аватар dmitrieva31
Snakes, spiders, jellyfish, sharks... Are you sure you read about Turkey? Have a good rest!
аватар bileg
Fathers, where are you going to see all this in Turkey?!!! For more than 20 years of trips around Turkey (not only in the Kemer region), I personally met: snails, turtles, frogs - you still need to look for all of them, otherwise you can only see flies and ants (mosquitoes are somehow unlucky to meet), jellyfish no, sharks all the more, there are small harmless fish (but not the fact that they will be on your beach. Stop trolling, Kemer is the most Russian-speaking region of the Antalya coast
аватар afinskaya
dear bileg, don't insult me. I'm not trolling, but I asked a question that worries me. Because the children on the circle can swim a little further from the shore. Naturally under my supervision. Therefore, after reading about sharks, the question became relevant for me.
аватар afinskaya
Thank you all for your replies, I'm going abroad for the first time. Many questions. From mosquitoes means you do not need to take anything?
аватар sent2008
All your children can count on is to see funny little lizards that do not pose a danger to humans.
And sharks, stingrays, moray eels and so on are not at all in Turkey.
аватар travelsita
Sharks, moray eels are in Yegi, but rarely. (Moray eel more often).
аватар letishavip
Don't worry, go easy.
All medicines, mosquito repellents can be bought at pharmacies already on site.
No sharks, no more harmful creatures than especially poisonous tourists... ;) You will not meet.
Take sunscreen, light-colored clothes and panamas for babies.
аватар irinaaa200561
Just some kind of Berdyansk .....!
аватар dimdimysh
Here, write nonsense about drugs. did you think where they will run with their children in search of analgin? Maybe the hotel is in the middle of the world. From mosquitoes and medicines, you must definitely take!
аватар afinskaya
We're going to Phasellis Hill, the new building. They say to shopping there 4 km on foot? I already understood about medicines, I bought a lot and from everything that children can get sick with. The girls are small, one is 4 years old, the second is 6. A suitcase for three is not more than 30 kg? They love frogs and everything that crawls and swims. Therefore, I read about the fauna of Kemer, what I found .. The snakes really wrote crawled onto the sandy beach, called workers, they hacked to death with a shovel and say that this is the first time. Toys are advised to take from home, everything is for dollars and expensive. And they sell the same thing as in Moscow. We are going to visit Dinopark again. Do you think there are many fruit trees there? there are bananas, pomegranates in the pictures, it would be great to show the children. in general, what kind of fruit trees at the end of August?
аватар TINAEkb
afinskaya, it is very interesting to read about sharks, jellyfish, snakes in Kemer. Throw off a reference. Are you traveling alone with two girls? If so, then, if possible, take everything you need with you from home so that you do not go shopping and pharmacies with your children. I have never seen mosquitoes in Kemer, BUT I always take the fumigator with me, but suddenly ... Have a good rest.
аватар Olgaolga153
I also always take mosquito repellent and a fumigator with me, I have had to use it more than once.
There are only 4 types of sharks dangerous for people (biting))) in the world. They are not found in the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas.
I have never seen spiders, snakes and other unpleasant living creatures. Full of lizards, there are (as already mentioned above) turtles.
About luggage. Economy class without surcharges is allowed to carry 20 kg per person, this also applies to children from 2 years old. So, purely theoretically, you can carry luggage with you in 3 suitcases with a total weight of 60 kg.)))
As for fruit trees. In Turkey, several crops are harvested per year. Therefore, be sure to show the children something. It all depends on what is planted in your hotel. Turkey grows pomegranates, oranges, persimmons, peaches, lemons, quince, loquat, figs, olives, even kiwi. Oleanders and bougainvillea grow almost everywhere (the flowers look like paper ones). Although the latter do not belong to fruit trees, they bloom very beautifully!
Toys are probably better to take with you.
In Kemer, you can visit the LC Waikiki store and choose from children's clothes.
Have a nice holiday.
PS: (only your hotel is not very praised in the reviews, maybe they just find fault.)
аватар Olgaolga153
Just read your new post. If you are flying with Transaero, there will most likely be a Boeing 747. This is a big plane and it flies very smoothly (does not flap its wings and almost does not shake.))) So do not worry. Just before the flight, you can drip 1 drop of vasoconstrictor agents into your nose (nazivin, galazolin, etc.), you can also chew gum. All this so that the ears do not lay. If you get sick in transport, you can buy air-sea or dramin in a pharmacy.
In general, do not be afraid. Airplanes are by far the most reliable mode of transport.
аватар afinskaya
Olgaolga153, thank you for your reply. Yes, I have read the reviews. Also not happy with some. I will try to tune in correctly for rest, so that there are fewer negative emotions. The main thing is the sea, pine trees and a large green area. The children had a lot of lung diseases, I will treat them a little at least with air. Everything is better than Moscow. And next year they say it will be 2 different hotels.
And about sharks in Yandex, if you look for Kemer and sharks, then there are cases. I have a small daughter who is scared of sharks. Whether cartoons had such an influence on her, I don’t know. So she said that there would be no swimming in the sea, period, there are sharks. So I went looking...
аватар Oleg1975
I agree, it’s better to take a fumigator from mosquitoes .... to us in May, for 9 nights they flew a couple of times ....
аватар afinskaya
Olgaolga153, dramin antiemetic drug? In principle, they do not rock. But I’ll have to buy it and I’ll transfer the nazivin from the luggage then into the bag. Strange, children are not afraid to fly at all. They will fight for a window seat. And I’ll sit far away and pray .. They write that a child at the airport cut his eyebrow, and everything was packed in luggage. Foreigners helped - they gave a plaster and whiskey to burn ..
аватар Trisha75
Reassure the child that all the big sharks swim to Africa in the fall (well, come up with a fairy tale and tell it). Sharks in 12 years of trips to ALL regions of Turkey were seen only once in the open sea near Cape Datca (this is between Marmris and Bodrum, a completely different region), they went to sea on a large yacht, so we were specially brought there ... but the sharks were tiny (this is after what I saw in Egypt) and some kind of toy. We saw an octopus there. And in the Kemer region, no one was found except for fish. No, more crab and big sea turtles, here.
And stop beating yourself up, you'll be fine. I go all the time with two children of 3 and 10 years old (today) and a grandfather of 75 years old and everything is always EXCELLENT!
pysy: In general, I love Turkey much more than Greece, Montenegro, Bulgaria and, of course, our Black Sea coast)))
аватар TINAEkb
Here they write that the child at the airport cut his eyebrow fell, and everything was packed in luggage. Foreigners helped - they gave a plaster and whiskey to burn ..
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afinskaya, well, why are you reading all sorts of nonsense? Do not wind yourself up, calmly get ready for a vacation. And at home you can tell the youngest the good news that all the sharks and other living creatures have sailed to Africa or Antarctica :))
аватар sigur62
TC is in a panic.
Sharks bite, a snake was hacked to death with a shovel, injuries at the airport...
Don't watch horror movies at night, and don't read newspapers. None at all.
аватар gostia
Such is the fate of caring mothers - to try to foresee everything - to the maximum, for the safety of their children :) And not only children :)
For example, I don’t go anywhere without additional insurance, in addition to the truncated version that they sell with a ticket. Well, a kilo of drugs. I just once had a case when my husband and I were traveling on a train and he had an allergic reaction to something he ate in a pizzeria at the Kiev railway station. When a loved one swells before our eyes so that the neck becomes as wide as a head, and goes purple spots, and the conductor says that the stop is only in Konotop in 2 hours and none of the passengers have antihistamines with them ... Somehow after that Trying to make the most of everything.
аватар sigur62
In order not to carry a kilo of medicines with you, you do not need to eat at train stations and garbage dumps.
Tell your husband about this and be healthy!
аватар afinskaya
Trisha75, I recently talked to a woman, she married a Frenchman, lives in France. Traveled a lot with him, the children grew up. And he says that there is no better rest than in Turkey. For her taste. Your tastes seem to match :)
аватар TINAEkb
which of the passengers do not have antihistamines with them ... Somehow after that you try to foresee everything to the maximum.
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Yes, no one argues, but everything is within reasonable limits, without paranoia. Otherwise, people have already taken a harpoon against sharks with them :)) There are no sharks there! Snakes can't stand the noise - when was it quiet in Kemer? Well, guys, you can't wind yourself up.
аватар Olgaolga153
Yes, dramina is an antiemetic. Can be used on a plane, on a serpentine, at sea (during a storm). In general, with any pitching. Serpentine does not threaten you (if you only go to Demre, but with small children this is unlikely to be a good idea). Suddenly, fly back on a small plane and get seats in the tail?)) (I always take it for insurance, it won’t drag me down).
More about sharks. Even in the Black Sea there are sharks - katrans. But it would never occur to anyone to cancel swimming in the sea on this occasion. There are sharks in the Mediterranean too. But, firstly, they do not swim in shallow water into the bathing area, and secondly, they do not pose a danger to people. (well, they don’t eat people, and that’s it, gourmets probably prefer tuna to their liking)))
And in general, throw away all the negativity. Everything will be OK. Here is a sunscreen you were correctly advised, it will certainly come in handy (especially for kids). I always take a first aid kit with me, most of the medicines remain in my suitcase, but my soul is calmer.)))
аватар afinskaya
gostia, my older sister has such a reaction to analgin. Edema to Mumps, it seems.. Yes, you are right. We can’t even imagine what we might be allergic to. And it's not about train stations or eateries at all ..
аватар TINAEkb
In order not to carry a kilo of medicines with you, you do not need to eat at train stations and garbage dumps.
Tell your husband about this and be healthy!
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аватар afinskaya
TINAEkb, snakes can't stand the noise. Therefore, on the beach, the snake was chimed early in the morning, when it was quiet and comfortable for her. Vacationers seem to have been one of the first who ran to take a sun lounger :))
аватар gostia
By the way, who can recommend good sunscreen for children? To burn and not burn. And my kinder is prone to allergies.
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