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How cool is it in June in Kemer in the evening?
услыхала, что солнце рано садится за горы и становится свежо, это правда?
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11 subscribers  • asked 2011-04-2814 years ago
Answers  •  13
аватар alex45
Beautiful in June in the evening in Kemer, there is still no stuffiness, wonderful fresh air filled with smell
blooming jasmine. I never wore anything in the evening, except for a T-shirt, the trousers hung in the closet. Bermudas, shorts.
аватар HAVE_REST
it will be warm in the evening. Light clothing is sufficient.
аватар Sergey4467
Nonsense ... I also thought - like the sea, evening, fresh breeze, etc. I took a windbreaker with me. Nothing like that - hot during the day, very warm in the evening.
аватар kat1983
In the evening, the maximum that I could wear was a light sweater with long sleeves (my husband wore a T-shirt all the time). And this is in the first half of June.
аватар alex45
And why be surprised? After all, this is not Russia, but much to the south, the Eastern Mediterranean is called.
аватар zama
They took warm clothes with them, they never came in handy, they only took up space in the suitcase. And so once at a time is not necessary. There may be a chilly evening if it rains, but very rarely.
аватар STATELY
I do not want to argue, just writing my opinion and my personal experience. I was cold in Turkey at night in June. I did not take very warm clothes. I was freezing in my slippers. I took windbreakers from whom I could only to keep warm. Once we went to Antalya for an open-air disco. Our friends were no longer happy, because. it's a long way to go back and forth. But there we could not stand it in T-shirts and flip flops. It was cold is not the right word. Everyone has their own understanding of heat and cold. I am thin, and overweight people are often always hot. My friend and I were freezing. If you like night walks, it is better to take something for warmth and comfort. You will need it!
аватар tata57
Kemer is beautiful, especially in June!
What a coolness?! In June evenings and nights the weather is warm))))))
аватар bileg
It was cool last June, but for Turkey, not for us. In the evening, no windbreakers, jumpers are not needed! A light jacket or long-sleeved T-shirt may come in handy for night walks ending in the morning or boat trips (here you can throw a beach towel over your shoulders)
аватар alex45
I was in Kirishi in June last year, what kind of jackets, windbreakers, and even more so jumpers are we talking about. For all the time there was a short downpour once, the air was fresh, without stuffiness. dressed. And for those who are cold in Turkey in the summer, the equator is needed in the summer, or in extreme cases, Egypt or the United Arab Emirates.
аватар Zlata28
did not encounter coolness in June in the evenings ...
somehow the opposite is true, very warm
including in the evening
аватар Riddlegirl
We were generally in May. Warm but not hot in the evening. T-shirt and shorts. What sweaters are you talking about?
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