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Need a hotel without a mini club! In Kemer
Please advise a hotel on the first line, preferably 5 * without a mini club, the minimum number of children for two adults in the Kemer region. Are there any in nature?
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6 subscribers  • asked 2010-09-2114 years ago
Answers  •  20
аватар _Ivi_
If someone knows, they are unlikely to share =), one has only to voice it, a flock of mothers immediately appears there =).
аватар abysfinks
The pack knows for sure, but is silent. Does not give out "fish places" to the masses.
From my own experience, I can say that you are unlikely to find 5 *, but if you choose from those where there are fewer children, then look for those hotels where there are fewer Russian-speaking and Turks. Europeans write in holidaycheck. Search there. Good luck!
аватар tata57
What are you, what are you, what are your requests. There are no such hotels and there should not be! Rest at home behind seven locks!
аватар bileg
Here in Fame 4 there is definitely no club, as well as other animations, next to Fame 5, it’s noisier there, of course there are children in the four, it’s just that no one organizes them, because they are not very visible (I personally wouldn’t take a child to such a hotel ), I don't know about the five. Both on the first line in the center of Kemer. but in general, there are fewer children in hotels that do not work on the AL system, Kemer is full of mini private hotels, but they are not on the first line.
аватар Pachok
"Club Med Kemer" look, if you "pass" for the money, it is generally only for adults, children under 18 are not allowed.
"Alinn Sarigerme Boutiqe Hotel" is also very good, but you need to go to the beach through a forest of 400 meters or wait for a bus, and the sea there cools down earlier.
Z.Y. Last week, I almost grabbed "Alynn" for 100 USD. per room per day. I didn’t have time, we needed four rooms: (((
аватар zama
Thank you all! "Club Med Kemer" and Robinson Club HV do not work with our travel agencies. Haven't tried directly yet.
аватар Pachok
Club Med has representation. Where are you from? Try to look on the website for where to go.
Z.Y. The absence of a mini-club does not stop mothers of very small children in any way - from 0 to 3. And a new trend has also emerged - they (mothers) first find out in which hotels there are few children, and they prick up exactly there, they say, there are fewer infections, and my angel does not interfere with anyone, but these other people's ill-mannered monsters !!! :))) In addition, the middle of autumn is just the time for walking babies, there are more and more of them every year, this is from personal experience. Only one thing can stop mothers - if the hotel simply does not accept children under ... years old.
"Alba Royal" is still there, the operators are working with it, but it is in Side.
аватар zama
Pachok, respect for understanding. My husband and I were in Boran Mare Beach at the end of May. Two days of absolutely heavenly life, calm Germans, cheerful animators. On the third day, we find 40 kids who attacked the hotel. And that's it. In the restaurant, on the beach, everywhere there were no places and relaxation too. We decided to go in early May, after all, it will be a bit cold for Kinders)))
аватар _Ivi_
So decent people remained at the end of September - the beginning of May, the end of October (and even then conditionally), but hotels in 3 * half board - sad ...
аватар Pachok
"That's the end of September for decent people."
If! I have been traveling to Turkey for two weeks since October 1 for five years, and each time the situation is getting worse and worse. At the same time, I generally fall between two fires - I’m taking my mother and other elderly relatives, who are given a green 5 * club and all inclusive, and under such conditions there are children ... a nursery on the road :( Two days later, my mother starts to grumble that her head bursts from screeching, and her mother-in-law organizes several close-knit families without children on the beach in order to occupy at least a small sector of the beach in the morning, where no one will pour sand on your head or change diapers under your nose.
zama, Boran Mare - this is my very favorite hotel in Turkey :) But the "childish question" is, of course, present there. Especially after several mothers wrote on various forums that Boran Mare is so clean that babies can safely lie on the grass and even lick the footpaths. Here they lie and lick.
But five years ago everything was different.
аватар _Ivi_
I mistyped this - I meant the end of April. Was this year at this time, there were only 2 children in the whole hotel =).
аватар zama
Ivi, which was to be proved))) The end of April-beginning of May and a little closer to the middle - a great time, it's already warm, and in the sea too. And then the heat.
Surprised two walrus at the end of April)))
Pachok, I missed the great times!
аватар _Ivi_
Well, at the end of April in the evenings it was about 10-15 degrees Celsius, warm sweaters were hardly saved and you can swim in the sea, of course, but with difficulty. For example, I don't drink that much =).
аватар zama
And no one in the evening and bathes in hotels. Didn't you notice? And during the day, a completely normal temperature of water and air. And drinking has little to do with it. ))) But at least kinders and their abnormal mothers. )))
аватар zama
I forgot to ask where my husband and I should rest.
If you are a fan of constant screams and screams, then these are your problems. And carry locks with you. they say. they are a substitute for virginity belts. )))
аватар abysfinks
zama, the concept of the evening is very loose. For some, even at 17-00 in the evening, and for some, even midnight is not night. And in April it’s really cold to swim in the sea, in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening - water is 18-20 degrees. And they really don’t swim in hotels, they swim in pools that are closed for swimming from 19 to 21 hours (depending on the hotel) or in the sea, at least all night.
аватар zama
I saw how they bathe on January 1st. Honorable men like that. My husband and I liked it. it was fun!
аватар zama
As they say, you had to go half the world to find what was under your nose)))
I found the right hotel without a mini-club and children over 12 years old! This is a hotel - a neighbor of Boran - Magic Life HV-1, immediately on the left side, if you look at the sea, from Boran. When on our beach there was nowhere for an apple to fall and there was a cry of crazy mothers, in Magic there was a half-empty beach and peace and quiet. He turns out to be half German and half French. SUPERRRRR!!!
аватар abysfinks
Do our tour operators have it for sale?
аватар Pachok
Seriously? This is very valuable information. Moreover, this Magic Life hung on armorers all summer at $80 per room. There, the ratings were not very good, about 6.5 on a 10-point scale, I didn’t even consider it. But now I understand that I am ready to sacrifice service and food for the sake of the absence of children in the hotel, especially since 12-year-olds leave for study in October :)))! Thank you.
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