Question about hotel Rai Premium Tekirova 5*

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The hotel went to "stop"
The hotel went to "stop", they did not have time to buy a ticket, what to expect now?
Translated automatically from Russian. View original
7 subscribers  • asked 2010-09-1015 years ago
Answers  •  10
аватар elenako
Choose another option.
аватар HotLine
The hotel is no longer "open" for these dates.
Turkey today has the largest hotel base in the world. There are no unique and inimitable hotels. Especially not the unique Queen's Park 5 *.
аватар tata7
He is so unique and inimitable. How?
аватар tata7
There is Robinson in Tekirova (Chamyuva?) German, they don't take Russians, and there is Club Med Kemer (Exactly Kemer) French. They don't take Russians either. And so expensive.
аватар tata7
Club Med Kemer does not take children under 18. And there is also such a system - from 18 to 35. But this is already far in the world and French is also available.
аватар AnexTourOdessa
What did you expect until the hotel went to a stop?
аватар Aleksa.dp
You can try to look for a tour for a different duration
аватар gf2010
I do not recommend to go to this hotel. we returned today, this week several chefs and other employees left. service is bad, the sea is dirty
аватар bileg
Do not be discouraged, everything that is not done is for the better. Turkey has a huge selection of hotels, consider other worthy options. And remember that you don’t have to wait for discounts on popular hotels, tours in them are well bought in any situation, because if you find a suitable tour, pay right away. Good luck!!!
аватар Zlata28
do not wait, but start choosing another option
another hotel
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