Question about hotel Emelda Sun Club 5*

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I'm going for the 1st time at the end of August - share your impressions!
What to take with you, is it necessary to give money at the reception for a good room, how much money to take for excursions and souvenirs, etc.?
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4 subscribers  • asked 2011-07-2514 years ago
Answers  •  5
аватар Marina17
We went in August. everything is super. Bananas, lemons, oranges, pomegranates and dates right on the trees (we were in Camyuva. It’s very hot, the sea is hot, you can say. About a good room - they gave us a big smile. They love it. Ask for a room on the upper floors. But at the ready you can keep 10 dollars. We kept - but it was not needed. See on their face whether they are ready to do you such a favor or not. If you take excursions, they are twice as cheap outside the hotel than with a hotel guide. From 25 to 70 dollars (that year) there are, of course, excursions for $ 380, but these are Istanbul and Israel. If you have a hammam (Turkish bath), then you can take it at the hotel (prices are the same). We recommend that you tan evenly and Foam massage and phytomassage are super!Well, souvenirs there are also priced from 1 dollar (magnet, keychain) and ending with the N-th sum.))) as they say, for any wallet and wealth. Glad if I could help :)
аватар Zlata28
-money for excursions + souvenirs is enough in the amount of 200-300 USD per person
- Be sure to take essential medicines with you.
and sun protection
аватар Medvedixa
The rooms are almost all the same. Standards are usually on the 1st floor, families - on the 2nd. In the "Annex" building, the rooms are a little more spacious and newer. The rooms in the bungalow are also cozy, the furniture is not old, the plumbing is new, the view from the balconies is excellent everywhere on the garden. Bungalow rooms are small. They don’t extort money for a room, it’s enough to ask politely :)
аватар Volgusha
Don't settle for 700s and 300s! There, from a nearby hotel, music rumbles until 2-3 am, you won’t fall asleep, even if you plug in earplugs!
аватар Medvedixa
al1608, not true, in 700 rooms, this is the new "annex" building, the disco does not interfere. But, for example, in the 600-hundredths next to the courts very much)))
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