Question about hotel Queen's Park Goynuk 5*

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Good afternoon! How can I book a baby stroller? is it possible? who faced
need baby to book it?
Translated automatically from Russian. View original
5 subscribers  • asked 2012-08-1613 years ago
Answers  •  4
аватар tata57
You need to take your own stroller! It's not at all difficult, but VERY convenient and hygienic, which is important).
аватар PolikSVT
The description of the hotel says: "No strollers for rent." Here is the answer to your question. Otherwise, I agree with tata57.
аватар kapitan1084
Rent, no.
аватар polina.potemina
Thank you! On the "Pegasus" the information is that there are strollers, but apparently you will have to drag your own)))))
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