Question about hotel Queen's Park Goynuk 5*

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Bus stop
Tell me, how far is the bus stop from the hotel to get to Kemer. Does the bus go to the hotel itself or do you have to go to the village (and how far)?
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4 subscribers  • asked 2011-07-3014 years ago
Answers  •  5
аватар Lena_Niznamova
To leave for Kemer, it is enough to exit the main entrance (not where the bungalow is, but from the main building), cross the road, and go 5 meters to the right. There will be a stop immediately. Just ask the driver of the minibus - "Kemer ??". There, in principle, apart from tourist buses and minibuses, nothing goes to Kemer. The minibus stops in Kemer almost in front of the main shopping street. Having passed this street on Tuesday, you can come to the market - there is the same assortment as in stores, and the prices are more than tempting, + bargaining ... In Guynuk, the same market happens on Fridays. You need to walk to the Queen Elizabeth, and go down this shopping street.
аватар luter
stop in front of the hotel, a ticket to Kemer was 2 dollars (2010) to go 10-15 minutes
аватар LANGIS
how much is the fare to kemer in turkish liras?
аватар Lena_Niznamova
we did not exchange currency ... perfectly accept dollars
аватар luter
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