Question about hotel Swandor Hotels & Resorts Kemer 5*

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normal hotel?
how do you like the hotel if it is attributed to parties and the number of young people?
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3 subscribers  • asked 2009-06-3016 years ago
Answers  •  4
аватар ozero10
It's hard to judge! After all, it can be different in different seasons! The territory of the hotel is sufficient to find a place for each of the categories of vacationers! There are good pools on site. The hotel has a disco on the beach! What else do young people need? I visited the hotel on May 17th! Just at the time when young people are actively preparing for the sessions and are not yet going on vacation! So, I do not think that my assessment will be objective!
аватар lvenok
She personally was not in it, but a friend returned from there not so long ago. I am delighted with the hotel, I returned very satisfied. She said that this is one of the best hotels where she rested. Compared with hotels of the same chain Joy.
аватар Nex_Maori
I went last year in mid-August .... there weren’t very many young people, mostly in couples (like me) there were 2-3 crowds of ownerless girls getting drunk every day, I didn’t notice mixed companies, especially male companies ... ... at the end of August there are many vacationers with children, so I think the best time for young people is July (after the session) ... or September (when it's cheaper)
аватар bysinka20
in my opinion, it would be better to hang out in Marmaris1 And although the disco is cool, there are a lot of young people, everything will depend on the company!
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