Question about hotel Mirada Del Mar 5*

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About Dinopark
Please tell us about Dinopark. We want to take our 6-year-old granddaughter to this park for her birthday (the hotel is across the road). Will she be interested there? What entertainment is there? I liked it very much. Moreover, adults too.
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4 subscribers  • asked 2013-06-0112 years ago
Answers  •  8
аватар PolikSVT
Hey! Only 5 days, like from Dino Park))) We took our 5-year-old granddaughter. This year the cost is $35, the child was admitted free of charge, no tokens are given. Last year, the entrance was 25 Turkish liras or 40 dollars (they gave 5 tokens: for riding a dinosaur, fast food, etc.). If you ride a moving dinosaur, the token costs $3. Dinosaurs did not impress Polina (we, by the way, too))) She liked the second part of the park more, boiled corn for 3 bucks, a big trampoline (free of charge), an inflatable rock wall (to climb like rock climbing), fix it with a belt, guy supports (insures) the child by pulling the rope. Ours really liked it, climbed 2 times. In general, the red price of the Dino Park is 15-20 dollars, it's not worth it anymore. Yes, and the territory is small, what are there 30 thousand advertised squares))))
аватар PolikSVT
You can go to the aquarium in Antalya, an adult ticket is $ 29, a child ticket is $ 22. After the Sevastopol aquarium - impressive))) !, after Singapore - no))
аватар tata57
Hello, PolikSVT. Glad to read you :) I read your reviews right from the hotel, sorry, I forgot which one: (They, as always, are not in the eyebrow, but in the eye! As you understand, we nevertheless gathered in July in Mirada (in including taking into account your recommendations) - I trust you. We are going to Dino Park for the second year;) But now I don’t really want something ... Maybe it’s true - to wave to the aquarium ?! And I really want to go on an excursion to the sunken city-Demre-Mira-Kekova (correct?) I’m ashamed that I haven’t been there for 10 years of vacation in Turkey: (Have you been? What do you say? I think my granddaughter will like it. for your birthday, we have them in a row: on the 11th and 12th. In Mirada, where do you advise trying to check in (this is important to me!)?
аватар Pachok
Sorry to interfere, but children are unlikely to be interested in Demre-Mira-Kekova. In the sunken city, you can see only a few preserved steps that go from the shore into the water, and you can see several shards and antique fragments underwater. In addition, several tombs stick out of the water. A rocky necropolis on land is also unlikely to delight a child :) The road along the coast is very winding, there are only turns. I liked the tour, but, objectively, it will be tiring for the elderly and small, and the latter will also be uninteresting.
аватар tata57
I almost agree with you, Pachok. But... yes, just a small "but". :))) We will consult with her and decide - we have the right to do this as birthday girls. Thank you very much. I always read your answers to all kinds of questions with interest.
аватар PolikSVT
tata57, to be honest, I don’t remember which room we lived in in Mirada))) I don’t know which rooms in Gardena either, we lived in the main building. But the Garden is quieter and calmer, that's for sure! About Demre-Mira. One of the most tireless excursions, takes half a day. For a child, it may be interesting just like a trip: first on a bus, then on a yacht (but this is provided that it does not suffer from motion sickness). I advise you to take not from a guide, but from Maxwell tour or Ginza travel. Good guides, good buses. Find out more about food. And if you have an inquisitive child, maybe she will like Dino Park? Maybe you should go and form your own opinion? Ours, unfortunately, is more on trampolines))) Moreover, you will live nearby.
аватар tata57
You are probably right. How much can you ask, we will visit and tell everyone! Only something is restless in our beloved Turkey ... For a long time? 50% of the trip has already been paid. My daughter is already panicking, I am not yet :)
аватар Pachok
Tata57, I didn't mean your age at all! :) I think you'll like it.
Z.Y. Maybe there are different excursions - we took from Ginza, she took the whole day: the necroprole, the amphitheater, the church of St. Nicholas, a yacht, lunch. And in between, of course, shopping :(
Have a nice rest!
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