Question about hotel Imperial Sunland Resort 5*

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5 subscribers  • asked 2010-06-2215 years ago
Answers  •  6
аватар Katyyy
In the case of Sunland, practically nothing. Seems like breakfast fries and ice cream. In general, all all-inclusive concepts, of which there are now more than necessary, are distinguished by a set of free services, an abundance of alcoholic drinks and a variety of food))) Each hotel has its own understanding and concept, so carefully study the list of services, etc. in the description of the tour operator or on the hotel website.
аватар Sovetchik
fresh juice for breakfast definitely won’t be there. HQAL includes Baileys, Campari, local martini to standard raki, vodka, gin, and there will also be Turkish coffee in the Lounge Bar and Turkish tea in the Loby Bar? ice cream at certain hours (but the line is such that it is unlikely to want it)
аватар Penguin
The thing is that ice cream by the hour in any hotel. And of course, if everyone is going to attack him in unison, there will be a queue. And if you consider that everyone wants to take 2-3 servings, then there is nothing surprising. For those who find it critical to have their favorite alcoholic drinks on hand, take them to Duty Free.
аватар Katyyy
No, not in any. And where it is, as a rule, the prefix appears - ultra, high, etc.
аватар Lena_Elena
I was vacationing in Alanya and we were fed ice cream every other day. There really was always a queue, but they gave it to us very quickly and it didn’t bother us. And there were no prefixes-ultra, high, etc. in the description. Regular AL
аватар Viktorius_2008
Here, plus a variety of alcoholic drinks at the disco, for free. In general, this is everything. Saving 500-1000 rubles per night.
It's nice to drink.
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