Question about hotel Gural Premier Tekirova 5*

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Kyiv Which airlines fly to Turkey? Need tickets.
The hotel was booked directly from September 9th. Tell me which airlines are currently flying to Turkey (if possible with the contacts of ticket offices or agencies). Advise on comfort, because we are flying with a fidget child 1 year 8 months. We returned from Croatia 2 weeks ago, flew with UIA, liked it.
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5 subscribers  • asked 2010-08-0115 years ago
Answers  •  10
аватар andrew.aborigine
Turkish Airlines, 19,PUSHKINSKAYA STR. APT.1 P.O.B.540 KIEV 01001
+38 044 490 59 33
235 2562-279 64 61
аватар andrew.aborigine
аватар papa74
You can buy from Pegasus for charter (Pegasus website, Turkey)
аватар aa5064ca
If the hotel is in Kemer, you need to fly to Antalya, from there by taxi or bus to Kemer. You can fly on a visair, only there the departure time does not seem very convenient, there is little comfort, but the price is also small))))
аватар aa555aa
I don’t want to save on the price ;))) The main thing is a reliable air carrier, with normal planes (we’ll keep silent about the service, for such a distance :))). And what does Pegasus fly?
аватар Pachok
Visa has new Airbus A320s, newer than UIA's Boeings, service is good. Of the minuses - they do not feed and do not give water in flight, they do not give boarding passes. BUT - with children they let them into the cabin before the rest, so that they can choose convenient places for themselves, and they are not forbidden to take food on board. We often use Wizz, there were no complaints, no worse than Aerosvit and UIA.
aa555aa, You started from the wrong end :)))) First you had to buy tickets, and then book a hotel for them, tickets may not be available for all dates.
And where did you book the hotel, if it's not a secret?
аватар aa555aa
A friend of her husband's companion - a Turk - a co-owner of the hotel, booked back in February (with VERY good discounts;))) I thought there would be no problems with tickets. Vizer does not fly to Antalya on the 9th.
аватар Pachok
Then, indeed, only charters. Try to contact the ticket offices, there are sometimes tickets for charters, but, as a rule, closer to departure. And with a charter you can't guess what the plane will be like.
Turkish Airlines is a good airline, but there is no direct Kyiv-Antalya flight, only to Istanbul.
аватар aa5064ca
...."I thought there would be no problems with tickets. Vizeair does not fly to Antalya on the 9th." - Fly on the 8th, it's not a problem to spend the night there.
аватар Anetka-gan
call different travel agencies and ask around for charter prices. Anex had tickets to Visaair. planes are really good.
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